How long will it take to destroy ourselves?
Unlocking the Hidden Mysteries of God
Compare with other mysteries of God
First when we look at all the mysteries of God, our minds become a Quandary of confusion. How often with our thoughts of the cosmos we can see at night with our perception regarding where and how all this became real. It is impossible for the limited finiteness of the human brain to comprehend all that surrounds us.
From the beginning of man’s searching and experimenting with unknown entities he has uncovered the many steps of growth we now use and enjoy. Some of the most simple inventions are now common commodities. The wheel, who would have thought of this method of movement carrying heavy loads from one place to another. Calling a friend or business associate by a wired contraption called the telephone. This instrument became ancient once a new item could be picked up and without earth connections to electrical conductors is now a simple hand-held instrument known as a cell-phone. Alexander Bell couldn’t have expected such a manner of communicating would evolve, yet without his dream where would we be?
Giants in the industrial world have searched and built a world of wonderment. Edison with electricity. George Westinghouse adding onto Edison’s invention creating with Tesla alternating current. The precious gold from under the earth, first discovered in Oil City Pa; oil! Henry Ford among others building the horseless buggy. And what about the Wright brothers at Kitty Hawk, NC becoming forerunners of the 747 and other mighty jet aircraft we use daily?
All of these curious minds uncovered hidden assets that were always there. They, with the grace of God,found ways to remove the blanket of mystery and uncover a world waiting to be discovered.
How about God, who remains a mystery behind these man-made inventions, yet is the greatest mystery that man has yet to understand, let alone uncover the veil that remains to be pulled back?
Remember Augustine looking to uncover the Trinity. His dream of walking on the beach and seeing a young child dumping water from the ocean into a hole in the sand. Why are you doing that, and the child said he was emptying the ocean into the hole. His response to the child (an angel) was “you’ll never be able to do that, " to which the angel said, “And you Augustine will never understand the Trinity.”
So why then are we constantly attempting to search the deep mysteries of God when in this lifetime we may never comprehend? It is not answered with a finite explanation, rather we take the incomprehensible and share the results that can be understood through the Holy Spirit’s presence. He, the third person of the holy Trinity, lives within us,and as long as we can accept this phenomenon the search for answers becomes the essence of this partnership. Not knowing, but understanding the theme of God with us!
Some of the mysteries that can bury our senses are; God has no beginning, 3 persons in one God, the Incarnation, our own resurrection following Christ, and most of all God’s total forgiveness for the many sins we as mankind have relentlessly committed.
Ralph B. Hathaway