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Blessed Archangel Gabriel was the guardian angel of the Mother of God. It was Gabriel that was sent to Zachary to announce that his wife would conceive and bring forth a son who they should call John. John was the precursor of Jesus.
The angel Gabriel told Joachim and Ann that they would have a daugher named Mary and she would be the mother of the Savior of the world. Later Gabriel was the angel that saluted Mary as "full of grace". He told Mary she would become the mother of God.
St.Gabriel was the angel that comforted St. Joseph and told him not to fear taking Mary as his wife.He told St. Joseph that Mary would conceive by the Holy Spirit.
The angel Gabriel announced to the shepherds the birth of the child Jesus. Gabriel led the angelic choirs to descend from heaven and adore the Christ child. Later St.Gabriel warned St.Joseph to arise and take the child and his mother to Egypt to evade the fury of Herod. Seven years later,St Gabriel told St.Joseph to return to Nazareth as Herod had died.
It was Gabriel that comforted Jesus in the Garden of Olives. Gabriel announced to the holy women that Jesus rose from the dead.On the day of the Ascension of Jesus into heaven he told the apostles that Jesus would return at the end of time to judge all of mankind.
All the time Mary was on earth, Gabriel guarded and assisted her.
St.Gabriel pray for uis.