The Virtue of Humility
How many narcissists does it take to change a lightbulb? 1. They put the bulb in the socket and wait for the world to revolve around them. Narcissism is not something unique to the 21st century, but it has risen to new levels over the past few years. There have always been those who thrive on being the center of attention. Again however, it is troubling to see this culture coming into our homes and captivating our attention. From Justin Bieber’s most recent arrest, to the latest horrific crime that has been committed, this aura of “look at me” surrounds us. And it has become personally accessible to us with the rise of Facebook, YouTube and other kinds of social media.
When we take part in social media, what does it do to us? First, if we use it the way 95% of people do, it envelops us into society. We want more friends. We want more status likes, more views, etc. etc. We are gradually enveloped into an anti-God society that is rampantly going further and further away from any moral guidelines. Shock value is greatly admired in the social media world. This can be pointed out on YouTube; the more scandalous the video, it seems, the more views it has.
Is social media bad, in and of itself? No. These mediums are means of spreading the faith. Saint Maximilian Kolbe and Venerable Bishop Fulton Sheen were masters of taking the newest kinds of popular media and using them for evangelization. When Saint Maximilian was a priest some of his peers were arguing over the evil of the film industry, and how much it had the potential to destroy piety. What was his response? “Why, then we should make Catholic movies that move people to practice piety!” Saint Maximilian founded the Miles Immaculata (warriors for the immaculate) in his day using newspaper and newsletters to gain over a million people involved in devotion to Mary before his Martyrdom in WWII. Venerable Bishop Fulton Sheen was also a master of this art. Millions of Americans tuned in to hear his talks on Catholic theology and thought in the 1950s and 1960s. However, there is an important distinction that must be made in regard to these men using popular media as a means to an end. They did not use it to gain popularity for themselves. In fact, they both found their popularity as a kind of suffering inflicted upon them by God. In spite of this, they were able to use the media as a wonderful outlet to gain souls for Christ.
How can we implement this strategy with our social media outlets today? By sharing Catholic posts, websites, and articles (such as those found on and leading people towards Christ. You never know what can cause actual grace to stir conversion in someone. Conversion is a gradual process. It is not instant. Oh, but if it were! As Saint Thomas Aquinas says, "To convert somebody go and take them by the hand and guide them."
So let us take the example of Saint Maximilian and Venerable Bishop Sheen, and spread the love of Christ and the Catholic faith through whatever medium is available to us; and let us use these means to counteract the evil that these mediums convey. For the glory of God and the Salvation of souls, Amen.