Finishing Lent Strong
50 years ago, seven out of nine men ruled in favor of legalized abortion throughout the United States. Last summer, the Supreme Court rectified the half-a-century error that has resulted in more American casualties than all the wars combined. Roe never saw its 50th anniversary. However, there is still much work to be done.
During the recent pro-life summit held in DC the day after the 49th March for Life, speakers for the event took time to reenergize and encouraged the 2,000 or more pro-lifers to never give up and hold the line.
One speaker that stood out to me is Abby Johnson. Johnson, a former abortion director in Bryan, TX, shared how one of her former colleagues would walk out of a hearing when she shared about what happens behind closed doors in Planned Parenthood. The reality is many supporters of abortion refuse to accept the truth that abortion is the intentional murder of an unborn child.
While nearly half the country has abortion bans in place since last summer’s landmark decision, we still must go on the offensive. We must double our efforts to engage in dialogue with those who continue to support abortion or who don’t understand the issue.
It is one thing to claim to be pro-life, yet how do we share the message, knowing that we will be ridiculed, canceled, and even physically attacked for standing with the author of life, God? I have endured it significantly as a man. I was claimed to be retarded by an abortion worker, attacked by a bro-choice escort, and told that I was wasting my time, even my favorite "no uterus, no opinion", yet I stayed the course. The opinion of men in the debate is needed now more than ever. They must man up and learn to take charge and responsibility in order to protect and save the family.
Abortion has been the greatest destroyer of both love and the family. Every time an abortion takes place, it is not just one that is murdered, but many descendants of the child have vanished. Even economists and sociologists are warning of the problem will face with low fertility and birth rates. Both Elon Musk and Pope Francis advised having more children than pets.
As a millennial, a third of my peers were murdered by this atrocious genocide. As Gen Z will soon come to age, especially with their right to vote, we must double our efforts to educate them on the issue. New challenges have come up and ways to communicate this message. Let us use those means to meet them where they are.
I believe the work we must do to make sure all life is protected from the moment of conception is to stop abortion at its root, premarital sex. The sexual revolution in the late 1960s has taught many about the love without consequence. It brought us the hookup culture, which is the root cause of all abortions. The virtue of chastity must be taught. St. John Paul the Great even reminded us that a true love between a man and a woman resonates forever for eternity. When chastity is revered more in our culture, love wins.
Pro-lifers, it is time to get to work. This time harder than we have the last 50 years. We must preach message of life with compassion, conviction, clarity, and love. Be bold. Never be ashamed of sharing the message.
The culture of life needs laborers. Many of the early pioneers are fading or have left this mortal life. The pay not much, but it will be rewarding on judgment day.
Let’s get to work.