Who do you have in your heart?
We really have only two possibilities. God and the Devil. When we are not conforming ourselves to Jesus, then we are rejecting the “image and likeness of God” that we are and are conforming ourselves to the Devil. Some may think there are other options. There are not. In the end, there is only Heaven and Hell.
Through Jesus, we are able to call God, Our Father. This may be too common for us to realize the absolutely wonder that it is. He is Creator, yes, but Father is what He has been from all eternity and He wants to be that to you. And if we reject that, we reject everything that comes with His Fatherhood. We lose Heaven and all those we love.
If we reject Our Heavenly Father, we become sons of the Devil. Jesus mentions this when confronting those trying to kill Him while He was teaching. He said, “You belong to your father the devil and you willingly carry out your father’s desires.” [John 8:44] We choose one father whether we want to or not, just like we only have Heaven or Hell for all of eternity.
Lucifer was the first to turn from God. So, he became the father of those who join him in his futile rebellion. He can never beat God. He will always fail. What he does is seek to turn God’s children from Him. And though the Fall may have seemed like humanity was lost to the Devil forever, God sacrificed Himself in order that we would have the means to turn back to God and become His children again. Before the Fall, it was our inheritance. After the Fall, it becomes an offer. Will you accept God’s offer to be His son or daughter?
Jesus, help us to conform to You, that we may best resemble Your image and likeness and be sons and daughters of God through You. Help us to listen to Dad in all things, especially when it is difficult. Amen.