The saint who helped make a saint
If you watched the Super Bowl or had any insight as to the “He Gets Us” commercial that aired, then you would have expected it to receive backlash. Why would it not? In this culture and society anything promoting Jesus, mentioning His name, or anything about him is met with harsh criticism and rejection by someone. It didn’t take long for the apparent new theologian in Congress to take to Twitter.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the radical far-left New York congresswoman, appears quite upset that someone had the audacity to pay a lot of money to promote Jesus, the Prince of Peace, to a world consumed with violence and hatred. She tweeted, “Something tells me Jesus would not spend millions of dollars on Super Bowl ads to make fascism look benign.”
Apparently, I missed the part where AOC received her theology degree, and no one reported it. Maybe I should send her a graduation gift - but I digress.
Her tweet was met with a combination of support and opposition. One person seems to have hit the mark when he tweets, “It’s sad to see when you find people spreading the word of God and you have to find some way to be divisive about it. We need God back in this country and you hate that it’s the one thing *that* can bring us all together in an instant.”
Another stated, “Agreed. Of course he would also not support unlimited abortions, transing kids, open borders or socialism. So since you are talking about things Jesus wouldn’t do, I wanted to add a few other since you seem to support all of these things he wouldn’t support.”
She picked up a few supporters along the way, with one commenting, “Jesus would be a Progressive Democrat! Republicans are fascists.”
In response to her accusation and tweet, I must agree with her on her statement that Jesus would not spend millions of dollars on a Super Bowl ad. After all, he didn’t have the Super Bowl in Jerusalem. Plus, let’s face it, she’s also right about fascism being weak because there is no power that can surpass that of the Almighty God and He is ultimately the one controlling the world – not some dictatorship and authoritarian regime.
This is certainly not the first time AOC has sought to get her name in the spotlight and make headlines utilizing Christians. She appears to be fueled by the idea she can accuse Christians of things they are not responsible for and for which she herself is guilty. That sounds a bit like an Emperor Nero stunt. Maybe she’s been seeking advice from dead and defeated Roman emperors on how to place blame on Christians for something she does. In September 2021, AOC took to twitter and launched another attack on Christian “extremists”.
“Christian extremists are passing forced birth laws to intimidate and cut off abortion services -including for victims of rape, incest, and child abuse. While we fight back, know you still have options. Pills can be mailed to your home discreetly.”
Maybe she missed the commandment about “do not murder”. I am guessing she skipped that lesson in theology class.
She appears comfortable sitting at her desk tweeting about a Super Bowl ad promoting peace and love across all races (When she’s not hiding under the desk on twitter) while simultaneously participating in the enablement of mass murder in our society. (Something else I am certain Jesus wouldn’t like)
Did the two commercials make fascism look benign. The entire concept of Christianity is anti-fascism. The philosophy and goals of fascism are to promote a government that is operated and controlled by a dictator with unlimited and unquestionable power. It is the promotion of a government that essentially controls the lives of its people like slaves.
Perhaps I am wrong. Cortez may not be taking advice from Nero’s failed attempts to squash faith in the God Almighty. It appears she might be seeking counsel and direction from the Nazi Party (maybe she’s been having late night conversations with the ghost of Hitler). I am certain that Jesus would be in direct opposition to either of those sources of motivation and direction.
The entire philosophy and platform of fascism, and anyone who promotes it such as AOC, is individuality and selfishness. It is an idea of utilizing propaganda to suppress rights of individuals to achieve a self-centered desire of a repressive authoritarian. However, perhaps AOC should check her Bible before making it sound as if repressing fascism is a bad thing.
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or empty pride, but in humility consider others more important than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” (Philippians 2:3-4)
One of the most repulsive and odious (and anti-Christ like) aspects and beliefs of fascism is a strong distinction between races where one race is exalted over others. The philosophy AOC adheres to is promulgating the very ideology for which she accuses Christians.
Would Jesus pay almost $20 million dollars for a Super Bowl ad? It is highly unlikely, considering he would want the money used to help the poor. However, he would not object to using any means necessary to get the message of His love, forgiveness, peace, and grace to a captive audience. Jesus would certainly object to fascism.
Perhaps AOC received her theology degree online. She can add it to her collection of online purchased degrees for a medical doctor, economic expert, national security specialist, historian, and biological scientist. Her wall of titles is being covered quickly. Maybe they need to give her a larger office for all those degrees.