What is authentic freedom?
We are all interconnected. After all, we are all born into a family, though sadly some more broken than others. What we do and NOT do affects others, especially our family. We can see the importance of parents raising their children in the Faith. Not simply by taking them to Mass every Sunday, but leading them in learning the Faith. That is what we as parents profess when our children are baptized.
“You have asked to have your child baptized. In doing so you are accepting the responsibility of training him/her in the practice of the faith. It will be your duty to bring him/her up to keep God's commandments as Christ taught us, by loving God and our neighbor. Do you clearly understand what you are undertaking?” Emphasis is mine. The question itself implies the importance of this task.
And yet, our children are not the only ones lost by our inaction. We are all brothers and sisters as sons and daughters of God respectively. Our inaction to serve or help them see the Faith in us can be part of their downfall. If they see a “Christian” being un-Christian, they may disregard Christianity entirely and reject their Heavenly Father. Of course, we are not their only example, but we need to be a good one. It takes one good Christian example for people to turn to their Heavenly Father.
Still, all is not lost, especially for those that have distanced themselves from God due to our inaction. We must do penance for our inaction. Not that we need to wear sackcloth and ashes as they did in the Old Testament, but we need to implore God for the graces necessary for those affected by our inaction. Fasting is a great way to show God how much you desire the graces for others above your own desires and comforts.
Also, living in a state of grace by avoiding sin and going to Confession regularly helps us to live closer to God and thus make Him more inclined to hear our prayers. Also, we need to implore Mary. After all, she is their mother as well. Surely she desires their salvation more than we can imagine (not that she can or does more than God Himself). And we implore her best in reciting the Rosary. In that, we praise her and ask for her assistance with each and every Hail Mary. And she will guide us to knowing what we can still do and make us more like her Son, so that we can love better and help others to eternal Paradise.
Mary, no one was ever lost by your inaction, because you never sinned. Indeed, you poured out yourself in service of God, especially in your Son and especially as He poured out Himself on Calvary. Help us to not allow others to be lost by our inaction and save all of those that have been affected by our inaction. “Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.”