Part 4, Sign language study tools for the Compendium of the Catechism
Saint Pope John Paul II spoke of outstanding women in salvation history: "The Old Testament makes us admire some extraordinary women who, under the impulse of the Spirit of God, participate in the struggles and triumphs of Israel or contribute to its salvation" (Saint Pope John Paul II, 3/27/1996).
Of women mentioned by the Holy Father in that article, I previously looked at Miriam (Moses' sister), as well as Deborah and Jael from Judges, and the prophetess Huldah.
Next mentioned by the Holy Father was Judith, who was operating "in a cultural framework of violence....The book of Judith...refers to King Nebuchadnezzar sending a fearsome army to conquer Israel....After having invoked God for a long time, Judith, symbol of fidelity to the Lord of humble prayer and the will to remain chaste, goes to Holofernes, the enemy general....with Holofernes's scimitar, she cuts off his head." Holofernes had planned to rape Judith. Instead, she led her people to victory.
During the lifetime of Judith and for a long time after her death, no one ever again spread terror among the Israelites.(Judith 16:25)