92 Years
A Blessed Bargain?
By April McQueen
A catalog of time across millennia denies the mystery of possibility and pain, purpose and passion within one extraordinary life. No rallying cry came from a prince, warrior, or sports captain, but instead lessons from a rabbi, meant for the needy to fill their emptiness. He saved lost souls and healed with second chances. He chose ordinary people with an openness to change and the will to trust and follow Him.
We remember what he bore for our benefit: His body and blood. His shed blood, sweat and tears were a price too much to pay, yet paid anyway for all sin. The return reward can be short-changed as a “blessed bargain”: but it was His body broken then offered over and over again, for us.
The human response to this divine gift is to tear up, remembering why, knowing it is so much and too rich for you, for us. It comes at an incredible value (freely given but not without cost). It is pure love. It is from love. It is of love. It is by love. It is for us: the hopeful, unworthy majority. Because of this we bear the mark of eternal life beyond the grave: for the believer, the faithful, the redeemed.