Take Up Your Cross - Part 2
The Mystery Of God – Part 1
Submitted by Thomas Stidl
God reveals Himself through many vehicles and means. One Way is the written word or Bible. Another way is the inspiration of the Holy Spirit directly into the human soul. This only comes from a close relationship with the Almighty. We are individuals so what is revealed to me will be different than what is revealed to you. This is how we are made to understand God on a personal basis.
What a wonderful mystery to ponder! Let’s begin to unravel the mystery of God by biblical revelation. Genisus reveals that God is the creator of all things and creatures. Genisus relates that we have a multi-person Godhead. “Let US” make humanity in “Our” image and in “Our” likeness. This was done on the sixth day. Adam was created first. After Adam was created, God presented him with all the living creatures that Adam named. Since Adam could not find a suitable mate for himself, God cast a deep sleep upon Adam and taking a rib from his side made a woman for a partner for Adam. If you noticed, there were only two sexes at the time. God gave them a home in the Garden of Eden where they could eat the fruit of all the trees there except the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Unfortunately, the serpent tricked Eve into eating the fruit and then she gave some to Adam who also ate without thinking about what God had said. They were dismissed from the Garden and prevented from reentering there. I refer to this as the day that Adam and Eve were eaten out of house and home! After Adam and Eve had disobeyed, God the Father promised to send a redeemer who must satisfy two criteria. First, He must be divine and human. Second, He must also be without the stain of sin to be the perfect sacrifice to satisfy God the Father‘s perfect righteousness. This would fulfill the promise of the person who would put “enmity between the woman’s seed and that of the serpent’s seed “. The serpent’s seed would strike at the heel while woman’s seed would strike at the serpent’s head.
Now that we have established multiple persons of the Eternal Godhead, how do we know of the existence of the Holy Spirit? After the massive flood that destroyed all life on earth with the exception of the occupants of the ark, Noah sent a dove to seek dry land after the storm ended. The dove returned with nothing to show. This happened many times until one day the dove returned with a branch of vegetation in its beak. This is a sign of God’s love. How would a dove know to bring Noah a piece of vegetation unless inspired by the Holy Spirit, the Love between the Father and the Son? The Love of God (the Holy Spirit) taught Noah that the flood was over and it was safe to use dry land. A country song from my youth expressed it best. God sent down his “love on the wings of a dove”.
Through out the entire Jewish Testament the Holy Spirit was the entire guidance that Moses and the prophets used to write the books that instructed his chosen people in the Law. When his chosen ones obeyed the law, all went well. When they disobeyed, all did not go well.
In part 2 of this article we will explore the Triune Godhead in the Christian Testament.
Until next time, Laus Tibi, Christe. Deo Gratias. Praise be to God. See you in Paradise.