Feast Day of Saint Killian: A Story of Evangelism and Martyrdom
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux was a French abbot, theologian, and one of the most influential figures of the 12th century. He was born on August 20, 1090 in the castle of Fontaines-les-Dijon, France, and died on August 20, 1153. He was canonized on January 18, 1174 by Pope Alexander III.
Bernard was known for his strong personality and his ability to inspire others. He was a close advisor to popes and European kings and queens, and played a significant role in the Second Crusade (1146-1148) and in the papal schism of 1130-1138. He is also known as the "Doctor of the Church" and the "Honey-tongued Doctor" due to his eloquent preaching.
One of his most significant contributions was his work in the monastic order. He joined the Cistercian monastery at Cîteaux at the age of 22, and later founded the monastery of Clairvaux. He became abbot of Clairvaux in 1115, and under his leadership, the monastery became one of the most important in Europe. He helped to reform and expand the Cistercian order.
Saint Bernard's sermons and writings have had a lasting impact on Christianity. His most famous work is the "Sermons on the Song of Songs," which is considered a masterpiece of spiritual literature. His works also include “On the Love of God”, and “Apologia”. He has been considered as one of the most important preachers in the 12th century and his sermons, letters, and treatises were widely read and studied.
Saint Bernard was also known for his ability to perform miracles, including healing the sick and bringing rain during droughts. It is said that he once saved a ship in distress by making the sign of the cross and commanding the wind and waves to calm.
He had a compassion towards animals and was known to have kept bees in his monastery. Saint Bernard is the patron saint of beekeepers, candlemakers, catechists, and those who are falsely accused. He is also celebrated as the patron saint of the Cistercian Order and the Diocese of Saint-Brieuc. His feast day is celebrated on August 20th.