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The Mystery of God – Part 3
Submitted by Thomas Stidl
In part 2 we examined the mystery of Our Lord’s baptism, his transfiguration, the last supper, and the aftermath of his crucifixion, resurrection and ascension. In part 3 we will examine how the church began and the presence of God in our lives.
After his ascension into heaven, the disciples and Mary, the Mother of God, returned to the upper room in Jerusalem and began nine very intense days of prayer. After nine days, the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles in the form of tongues of fire. The promise of the Lord had been delivered. They were now clothed with power from On High.
Talk about a miracle, take a group of timid, doubting, and not terribly intelligent men who were afraid to be seen in public for fear of persecution and death, and turn them into bold, faith inspired preachers that their preaching could be understood by all nationalities within their hearing. Many who heard were baptized (I believe the number was 3,000). What a miraculous out pouring of the Holy Spirit for all Jerusalem to see!!
Please realize that all baptized Christians while living in the state of grace have the Holy Spirit within them. They received the Holy Spirit at the time of their baptism. When Catholics and the Orthodox Christians receive Holy Communion they receive Jesus into their souls. Yes, the Orthodox Church has the seven valid sacraments. When they split from Rome, Bishops went along with the split giving them the fullness of the sacramental life of the Church. This is why it is so important to continue unification talks with our Orthodox brothers and sisters.
Now Jesus also promised as stated before that he will be with us even to the ends of the earth and until the end of the age. Now a reader may ask, how can this happen? Let’s reflect on this. We will need to explore more of the mystery of the Eternal Triune Godhead. We know from revelation that we have three distinct persons in one God, namely, The Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Try thinking about it in the way that God revealed it to me as a Mathematician.
The Father is in the center with Jesus sitting at his right and the Holy Spirit hovering over both of them. This is 3 dimensional picture of almighty God. However we all know that God is not constrained by length, width, height, or time. As I understand it, God is multi or N dimensional where N is equal to infinity. Therefore the Trinitarian presence is throughout the world, the solar system, the galaxy, the universe and the cosmos. This is a very simple explanation of why God can be in multiple places at the same time. He can be in a hospital with a sick or dying person, but he can still be and give full attention to a child’s prayer. This is why God is everywhere. If you do not perceive God’s presence within you, please reach out from wherever you are and touch God. Get accustomed to this concept, as you will be functioning this way throughout all eternity. God is also inside of us. All baptized Catholics and Christians have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in their hearts as long as they remain in the state of Sanctifying Grace. So if you do not perceive him inside you, please get your life in order. Advent and Lent are the perfect times for this, but do not let any season deter you. Please get a right relationship with God immediately. Your eternal destiny depends on that.
As already stated, God is not someone out there; He is deep within us. He is also residing in every tabernacle of the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. Please acknowledge his presence every time you pass an Orthodox or Catholic Church. Not only does Jesus reside in that tabernacle, but also so does the Father and the Holy Spirit.
Yes, God is everywhere. This is known as the property of omni-presence. God longs for our companionship throughout every moment of our life, not just in the morning before work, at meals, or in the evening. Remember God’s words from the cross. “I THIRST”. He still thirsts for our love, praise, thanks, and adoration always.
Until next time, Laus Tibi, Christe. Deo Gratias. Praise be to God. See you in Paradise.