No Fair!
“Now the Lord said to Abram, ‘Go,’...So Abram went.”
Genesis 12:1-4
How many of us would just pick up and go if someone knocked on our door and told us that God wants us to move to a different country where we didn’t know the language, “Zer moduz zaude?” we did not have any family or friends, and there was no promise of a living space or job waiting for us? What if we knew the people of that country would not even be welcoming when we finally did show up? Zoaz! How does a child feel when their parents have to move them from one school to another and they know they are going to lose many of the friendships they have developed and have to work hard at making new friendships and reestablishing themselves? I can tell you right now that kid is going to feel like their whole life is over.
I think that maybe we don’t realize how difficult it was for the people like Abraham to drop everything and do what God asks them to do. They did them because they trusted God, and without knowing that millions of people – even thousands of years later – would read about it. We would do well to stop and take a closer look at the lives of people like Abraham. It also wouldn’t hurt to ask ourselves if we say, “yes,” to God as readily as they usually did. Well...then there is Jonah, but that is a lesson for another day.