A Year Of Prayer
The Eucharist – God’s True Presence
Submitted by Thomas Stidl
In my recent articles on the Mystery of God, I briefly touched on the current subject matter. There was a reason for this. A recent survey revealed that only 30% of Catholics believe in the True Presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Many believe that what they receive during Mass is merely holy bread and wine. Let’s examine this from one priest’s view.
This particular priest actually had doubts about the consecrated host and wine. One day at Mass, he recited the words of Consecration over the bread and to his amazement the consecrated host changed into human flesh. It was not just any piece of human flesh, but it was the human heart. Shocked and dismayed by his lack of faith, he repented immediately. That was proof enough for him.
The very fact that on a particular day, that host turned into a piece of heart muscle should be proof enough for all to believe that Jesus is truly present in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. The priest who had doubts believed what he saw. Hopefully, his name was not Thomas, named after the apostle Thomas. We as lay Catholics should always believe in the True Presence and act accordingly.
Before we receive Our Lord at Holy Communion, if conscious of mortal sins on our soul, we must go to Confession and receive sacramental absolution. If we are not conscious of any grievous sins, we should make a sincere act of contrition, a short act of faith, hope and love. Above all forgive all who have wronged you, and hold no grudges against anyone. Then ask pardon from God for those that we have wronged. When you see these people again that you have wronged, apologize to them.
After the reception of Holy Communion, give thanks and praise for such a great gift. Give the Lord adoration also for being Lord of your life. Then you can add your supplications for assistance in prayer. The best par of physical reception of Holy Communion is that Jesus becomes a part of your body. As He becomes part of you through digestion, you also become part of him. I personally say a prayer at the consecration of the host as follows.
Body of Jesus, make me more and more like you every day, a mirror image of thyself. When you see me coming at the end of my sojourn on earth I hope you shall see only you and not me.
At the consecration of the wine, I say the following prayer. Blood of Jesus, wash me clean, make me pure, and make me a living saint.
Carry these thoughts and prayers with you every time you receive Communion, whether it is physical or spiritual. May we all be transformed into the Living Christ to go in peace to change our world and make it a better place to live.
Until next time, Laus Tibi, Christe. Deo Gratias. Praise be to God. See you in Paradise.