A life without purpose is no life at all.
God wants to work great graces into this world and to the lives of those you love through you. You are called be the channel of grace for you and your loved ones. It is a great and honorable calling. And yet, we sin. We mess it up and distort or thwart God’s grace to us and our loved ones. If you had an instrument with a mind of its own and it failed you often, wouldn’t you discard the instrument?
But we are not simply God’s instruments. We are also the meaning for God’s instruments. We are not just a channel of grace for our loved ones, but for ourselves as well. Because we are the purpose of us being a channel of God’s grace. It may seem odd that we are both a channel of grace and the purpose for the channel. It would seem like a river being the purpose of the river. But a river’s purpose is to deliver water to a greater body of water. And so we see it with ourselves. The purpose of God’s grace in our lives is to deliver us to Heaven. The journey is not the purpose, but the destination.
God marvels at His awesome creation in you. Yes, God has many billions of people. But He had made only one you. No one is or ever will be you. You are a great instrument that He would love to bring about much grace into this world, but the sole purpose of being that instrument is to get us and others to Heaven, our perfect destination.
Mary, you were perfectly used as God’s instrument to bring the ultimate grace of God Himself into this world within your virginal womb. Help us to accept being God’s instruments in all that we do so that we might be great channels of grace to us and our loved ones, so that we all might reach Heaven. Amen.