Do you know Jesus?
The Seventh Beatitude - Blessed are the peacemakers…
How many times in our lives have we wished that there be peace in the world! This seventh Beatitude addresses those people who not only try to live in peace in their personal life, but who also work and take initiatives to bring peace to the world. Jesus referred to these people as blessed, because through their actions and deeds they work for and promote peace.
These persons are interested in loving other people around them, to bring peace to them even when there is some kind of trouble or misunderstanding of some sort. Where there is no peace, these people who Jesus called blessed, do their utmost to restore peace wherever they are.
The world yearns to have more people like these… genuine peacemakers who take an interest in those around them, by loving them as Jesus loves them. What loving actions have you undertaken in your life to be a peacemaker, the way that Jesus wants you to be?
…for they will be called children of God.
God considers these people who work for peace, as children of heaven. These people are dearly loved by God. It is for these reasons that Jesus emphasized… ‘that they will be called children of God’. The end result for the people who work for peace is that they will be considered as children of God. Do you want to be a child of God?
It is really worth working for peace and experiencing the result of reconciliation in this world. It is very important that as Christians we feel encouraged to go out and be peacemakers through the love of God. All this leads to being called a child of God.
The world is waiting for you to be a true peacemaker.
(This Reflection is taken from my Christian Book ‘The Beatitudes… the Blessings from the Sermon on the Mount)
(you can watch this reflection on my YouTube channel )