Using the "Laudate" Catholic App to Enhance Your Faith-Life
There is much to ponder in terms of what to “give up” or sacrifice during the Lenten season. Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving are at the heart of Lent and how we can all love and serve others. Many a priest will talk about the need to put our vocations first during the season and beyond, and there is much to contemplate there in terms these terms. Whether we are single, married, priest, religious, or another vocation, if you will, this is most likely the place where we will find the greatest need in terms of our life, faith, and ministry. In addition to vocation, there is so much more to contemplate regarding our personal ministry in faith. With all of that said, there is something to be said about not being wasteful. This is something all of us can do despite age, vocation, circumstances, or anything else. Let’s unpack how we can be less wasteful during Lent and beyond.
What is wastefulness?
In the United States and beyond, we blessed to have so many resources at our disposal. Even inside the US, of course there are still so very many who suffer and do not have enough. There are people all around us who lack the basic essentials. We can all do more for those who are poor and marginalized. Wastefulness affects everyone us, and we can extend ourselves more to help those in need. Wastefulness is when we don’t keep in mind those who need our help and we waste the resources we have in order to help others.
Wasting our resources
When we waste our resources, we are committing sin, because one of the Lord’s greatest calling to all of us is to provide for those who lack. Whether we are wasting our money, food, things, or other aspects of our own tangible items, we hurt the suffering. The Lord is calling us to use our resources and not to waste what we have which can make a difference for families and individuals.
How can we help?
In prayer we can discern how we may help those who need our help and our care. There are amazingly simple ways to care for others, and one of the easiest ways is to learn to listen and be aware of the ways we may help. We can also assist by being less wasteness in practical ways such as not purchasing things we do not need, not wasting food, and by reusing and recycling. These are simple aspects to make a difference. The Lord does not wish for us to be wasteful, big spenders, or materialistic. We will not be able to take with us any of those items we treasure when we die. Therefore, it is best not to be attached items we love to hold onto. This is not God’s will for us. We must learn to treasure people and relationships and not things and “stuff.”
Pray to be less materialistic. Remember, God does not want any of us to be attached. In fact, it is definitely sinful. This is not something we hear about often within the faith as there is a great focus in the church on vocation, theology of the body, prayer, and various devotions. These are all beautiful and wonderful aspects of faith. Let us not forget that faith is more than the external and what seems obvious to us in our studies about the Catholic church. In a simple way, being less wasteful is pleasing to the Lord, and we are all being called to it. Pray to the Lord to be less wasteful, and he will guide you.