Loneliness; Is it Becoming a Common Entity within Humanity?
A time to hope, a time to pray, a time to allow God into our hearts
When we seem to have lost our way in life, after every effort that does not work, we can become a hopeless bundle bound with the fear that buries men’s hearts.
One only needs to see the psychosis that has overtaken much of humanity and the social collapse of too many well-meaning people and an increase in the use of drugs to so many suicides that crowd our social institutions.
What has happened with our approach to care for ourselves or as care-takers of our environment and the future of the country we promised to support? Perhaps the thought of each of us standing in place of a government that will protect our future by the concerned leaders of assuring the proper teachers of morality and common sense to our children.
Obviously that has not become the present priority of our school system, our government, and those who have the audacity to present a tearing down of the morals we grew up with. We know how important it is for the giants in industry and all other facets of advancing the very community we live in by discovering new ways and methods to improve the very land we love.
Without those who searched for and found the manner of growing through trial and error we would not have had giant steel producing plants, planes to fly and space ships to reach the planets. Disease control like Salk’s discovery of eliminating polio, putting heart disease and cancer on the run, and so many advances to make life simple and productive.
But, to change for the sake of change, especially when taking God out of our schools, and so many other aspects of morality where only evil pronouncements seem to crowd the headlines of social media.
The virtue of hope appears to have no firm purpose anymore where even the name of God now appears to be a non-communicative premise that so many are leaving behind. The question of what has happened no more takes front place. It is now time to bring God back into the realm of humanity and replace it with the realm of heaven’s presence. By that, I mean what we all are looking forward to sharing in eternity must become current approaches by fighting the moral dryness and stand up for how our children will be taught which must include God’s identity to be broadcast to the school system and the government that supports an evil existence.
No more can we exist as a silent entity through our churches and blind eyes. We need a revolution of faith and a restructuring of the old-time church revivals. This is prayer exulting the presence of Jesus Christ who sacrificed himself that we could receive total forgiveness. It cannot grow by osmosis! Each one who believes in the teaching that Jesus left us with must be told to the world. “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.” (Mk. 16: 15).
The mandate of our baptism to carry this message, most especially at a time that we are facing where the evil of Satan is making his presence to so many who never heard of him before.
Ralph B. Hathaway