Baby on the moon !
Many are talking about AI. This article intends to be a talking point to evangelize!
7 points explain ALL you need to know about AI, ever!
1. Animals are a bio-computer, where every single action depends on a bio-program.
For example, hens scratch the surface with one leg. The observer might think the intention is to remove earth find bugs and seeds. Yet, the hen does exactly the same on pavement. They are not conscious of the purpose and meaning of their repetitive actions. Before computers, this pre-determined behavior was called instinct. Now, we know that instinct implies a pre-programmed behavior..
Another example: someone bio-programmed dogs with an app to bury their excrements. The proof that it’s not a rational behaviour, is that the program got corrupted, probably due errors in DNA replication along generations, so they keep kicking the rear legs while scratching the surface, yet not aiming well or achieving any result.
Humans and animals share the bio-logic:
Bio-apps for certain automatic functions like breathing, cardiac activity and blood pressure regulation, embryonic stages, breastfeeding, etc.
Automatic programmed reactions like fleeing threatening situation.
Bio-memory, which is essential to remember the individual’s history and relations.
Reanimation capability
Animals can be reanimated: individual cells1, individual organs2 and even frozen simple lifeforms after thousands of years.3 CPR works on cats and dogs, thought the success rate is 6-8% (compared to 20% in humans).4
Animals and humans can be reanimated because they share a biological life principle, called animal soul. This is a mortal animation: sooner or later bio-life is doomed to die. Biological death is like unplugging the computer. No electricity, no life. Eventually, we will be able to build, molecule by molecule, the body of a single cell organism (e.g. an amoeba), yet we will never make it alive. Only God is the giver of life.
There’s something completely different in humans. Though this type of life principle is expressed through matter, it’s unmaterial, and therefore, not subject to the corruption of this world, immortal. It doesn’t depend on any biological function, though anchors itself through the heart and brain.
Computers are a pretty good analogy to human nature:
The body is like the computer hardware.
Life, coming from the soul (animation “force”), is like the electricity which powers the computer.
The brain is the Central Processing Unit (CPU)
The pre-frontal cortex is for decision making, like the microprocessor, though, it’s a neural network distributing some functions in the whole brain.
Neuronal connections are like the firmware, operating system and applications, influenced by the genetic instructions and the interaction with the environment. Imagine an app to run in spite of a malfunctioning hardware: some chipsets might be broken, but the software is still there, “alive”, trying.
The nerves are like wires in a robot, on one hand, sending instructions from the CPU, and on the other, receiving information from the sensors to be processed by the CPU.
Animal death is like unplugging a laptop in sleep mode: as long as there’s still some power left, it could be restored… unless the battery runs off. There’s a window period where the soul is still attached by a string of light to the body and can come back.
The immortal soul, which informs the body, is like the programmer: his influence can be detected through the hardware responding to the software. Like in the Tron movie, the soul/programmer is trapped in the virtual reality, only to escape under system failure (hardware death/animal death).
2. Science proved that intelligence is a property of the immortal soul. How? because of Near Death Experiences: your brain is dead dead, no blood circulation, no oxigen, no electrical brain activity, yet people float out of their bodies and watch and listen all around. When they come back after artificial resuscitation (CPR, etc.) or naturally, they can tell things there was no way they could see or hear... because they were dead in those moments or because it was outside the premises.
3. Intelligence, volition (will) and memory are properties of the immortal soul, which allow consciousness and self-awareness. Personhood doesn’t depend on the body but on the soul.
This is proven by near death experiences (NDEs), where the dead, even with brain and cardiac death, can listen and see around, even outside walls, and remember after reanimation (spontaneous or induced).
There are dozens of scientific peer reviewed papers proving the existence of the immortal soul. Even the born blind see in colors for the first time, and the born deaf hear doctors’ remarks in the operating room:
Bradley Burroughs:
By the way, many come back and tell us what’s on the other side: a personal trial for our sins and if in grace, love, pure love, pure maximum happiness, God.
Vicki Umipeg Noratuk
More from Vicki:
After being so happy with God, they are sad for having to come back to finish their mission on earth.
Experiencing hell and coming back:
Conclusion: the AI’s ceiling is like the most advanced animal, but instead of having bio-apps, it has electronic apps, where everything is pre-determined. Even the so-called General Artificial Intelligence will never be capable of intelligence, free will, spiritual memory, self-consciousness, moral conscience.
Just a smart trick, but still the puppeteers puppet: "Norn ( preceeded by ) is the first software system to have independent motivation based on human-like emotions, with the sum of its experience stored in a dynamic, growing, and evolving graph database. These systems are the next generation of the first systems to move beyond narrow AI and into something new, Scalable Intelligence."
IMPORTANT side note: it’s never a waste of time to pray with and talk to babies and those in coma because their souls hear everything.
NDEs prove that abortion and non-barrier contraceptives are essentially killing living humans with immortal souls, even if the unborn are not yet sentient beings.
4. What is a program/app?
It's a bunch of instructions to a machine. The fancy word is algorithms. It's just a set of commands in a certain order, just like a recipe to bake a cake.
What is machine learning?
The novelty of such instructions is that they are now more flexible and allow us to search for patterns or answers. Decades ago, we had expert systems.
What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
It's a fancy name for flexible instructions to find logical patterns. The machine does no more and no less than what the programmer ordered.
The PUPPET does what the PUPPETEER does.
Computers will never be sentient or self-concious, they are just trained to answer humanly:
5. There's no such thing as artificial intelligence: the Turing test is idiotic:
How to turn the AI into a COVIDIOT (includes the proof that there will never be a real singularity):
How to train a Killer Robot
Imagine the AI running hospitals, medical protocols.... a lot of deaths:
In that substack, I’m about to post something huge I found, which isn’t written anywhere else.
6. Machines can’t host an immortal soul. In Summa Theologiae, St. Thomas Aquinas explains that the soul informs the body from conception because the human body was designed to be an appropriate substrate/vase. Souls can’t be infused by God in a non-human primate (monkey, gorilla), because the monkey’s body is not an appropriate image of God (this is a strong argument against human random evolution and explain why angels have human faces). People believing in transhumanism, will think they’ll live forever when they are transferred to the cloud, but they’ll be tricked into committing suicide (so-called euthanasia).
The atheist creed is a delusion: they have faith in nothingness, lies. God sustains the essence of everything true, while Satan is the father of every single lie. Machines can’t be intelligent, can’t have self-awareness, can’t gain conscience, can’t produce “the singularity”. Delusion is the singular thing about the singularity.
7. Because we live in an anti-God world, this information isn't reaching you!
Then read this very slowly in prayer mode (I'll be praying for you) =)
Scientific proof of religion
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