The Catholic All Star Lineup
Easter is only a month away. Now would be a good time to get those baskets together with a Catholic twist. Here are some suggestions and where to get the items for that person on the shopping list. In the baskets, be sure to include items that correspond to patron and confirmation saints, a head start on an oratory in one’s room and even something for spiritual enrichment.
Ignatius Press has the Adventure of Loupio series in six volumes. They also have Youcat for kids. Tan Books and Sophia Institute have children's books that are guaranteed to be basket stuffers. Bear in mind the age range for those in the household.
Sophia Institute and Tan Books have clearance sales on select books starting at $2 per book. That’s a bargain in my opinion. Here is the selection of clearances with Sophia Institute. Here are the $5 specials with Tan Books.
Sock Religious has amazing selections of socks. Recently, they have released an Easter series that will rock one’s socks (pun intended). Keep in mind the patron saint of your child, godchild, confirmation sponsor, or the catechumen (please also get one for their confirmation saint). Check out their selections here. They also have a selection of t-shirts. Plus stickers and coffee mugs. All are proudly made in Indiana.
His Glory Co has a myriad of shirts with faith messages. Recently, a new line was released. There is something for everyone. Even St. Francis would encourage everyone to preach the gospel while wearing t-shirts. Use PhillyPhilly at checkout for a discount. Visit here to order now.
Is there a member of the Knights of Columbus in the household? Be sure to get the husband, son, or nephew a new shirt to wear at their next service outreach or business meeting. Visit here to learn more.
Rugged rosaries have amazing rosaries made with paracord material. While it is pricey, it is worth it. Idea: most of the selections offer an option saint or Marian medal for an additional $4 apiece. Check out their selection here.
Chews Life has rosaries for everyone from newborns to the elderly. They are made by a team of 50 women from Grand Rapids, Michigan. See their wide selection for all ages here
From tiny size to life-size, the oratory or even a Catholic house can use a statue or two of a saint. Some places to get a saintly statue are St. Jude Shop, The Catholic Company, Shop Mercy, National Shrine Shops, EWTN, and Catholic to the Max.
Get each child a saint that is their patron, selected for confirmation, and a favorite saint.
Let the basket stuffing begin.