The days of Lent and what that means to me have arrived!
Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely A follow up to “Truth - Censorship”
A group of senators assassinated Julius Caesar on March 15 in 44 BC. It was to bring an authoritative reign of another person with too much power to an end. In the planning of eliminating his reign of power where he alone became an untouchable figure the other senators decided to bring his single control to an end. One senator voiced this example of the treason of Caesar; “A nation can survive its fools, even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within…..for the traitor ….he infects the body politic so it can no longer resist.” Marcus Tullius Cicero. Keep reading and see if this doesn’t appear on the doorsteps of modern society.
Caesar was not the only monarch in history to end his reign of control over his people and come to an end reserved for wild animals or other would-be rulers that also would fall to their constituents. Recently we saw an end to the corruption in Bagdad, Iraq when the frightened leader, Saddam Hussein, was captured in a small hiding hole in the ground. He was hanged and his obscene corruption brought to an end.
Just prior to the end of WWII and the ultimate surrender of Germany, bringing an end to the Third Reich Hitler and his mistress were found in a bunker, dead from what many believe was suicide. Another would-be leader who only disrupted the world by his maniac desires to rule the world. His trek of violence, the murder of over 6 million Jews and others as well as perhaps billions in destruction throughout Europe came to an end.
Certainly this scenario could continue adding many more vicious leaders, some still living and trying to destroy innocent people for their own pleasure and crowning as a king. Bashar al-Assad of Syria quickly comes to mind as his outright murder of civilians with gas leaves dead in the streets of his country, so many children and their parents who did nothing but live as humans, now exterminated.
My most recent article, “Truth - Censorship” is an expose on the recent newsworthy item in Washington. But it goes much further than that and correlates with this article of leadership like those in recent history, painting a picture of the evil that enters the minds of political stature seeking beyond what God intended for his creatures.
To make an irrevocable statement by speaking of Absolute Power is not a modern term. It fits every ruler, voted to their position or receiving it by attrition. It's the same as a child tasting a sweet piece of chocolate and the need for more becomes embedded through his taste buds as a necessary requirement that nothing can stop the desire. He will stop at nothing until this saturation of satisfaction has left him in a sense of exultation. This is, unfortunately, what is making its rounds in the halls of congress. With the news that both sides of the congress have many who will not interfere with many decisions, especially the recent supposed insurrection, because of their next election and the loss of constituents if they get involved.
The words of Marcus Tullius Cicero, “it cannot survive treason from within” not to be forgotten 21 centuries + later.
Whom should we believe in, as far as civil elections goes? Again, I ask, how many times and how often have we asked God what to do? If we believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, should we not also believe in Jesus telling us; “Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened to you.” (Mt. 7: 7 - 8).
Ralph B. Hathaway