A writer friend of mine, Dennis P. McGeehan posted a reminder of the festdays of these two great saint. You can look him up on Facebook.
My baptismal name "Patrick Joseph" represented my Uncle Pat McGill and my own Dad Joseh William Chalmers. So, the day is a reminder, always, of my baptism. And today, Thursday, is the day for the Luminous Mysteries of the most holy rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Today, the 16th, tomorrow, the 17th, and Sunday, the 19th days of March, 2023 are special indeed. The gospel for these three days tell of driving out demons, the two Great Commandments - Love God and love our neighbors as ourselves, healing our vision. and raising Lazarus from the dead.
These refreshing ideas of how our spirits are renewed, I think, are very well placed in the middle of our Lenten (which means Spring - a time of renewal) season.
This is that time of year when, after a long fasting, we turn to the coming Passove, entry into the Kingdom City (Jerusalem) on Palm Sunday, and then to the New Covenant of Christ when the Old Covenant passes and Christ, Himself, reigns supreme over the Kingdom of God. This begins with the institution the Eucharist and Holy Communion which are followed by Jesu in the Agony in the Garden, Scourging at the Pillar, Crowning of Thorns, Carrying of the Cross, Crucifixion, Death and Easter Sunday Resurrection.
While Theologians, like Scott Hahn and many others, separate these events, examining how they individually work to fulfillment of the Old Covenant through the various parts, we can focus on the Old and the New.
Our old sinful selves, and our renewal through the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharistic Feast which is still celebrated 24/7 x 365, constantly, everywhere in the entire world by Our Lord's actual presence in the Holy Communion of Bread and Wine.
When we enter the Adoration Chapel He is there in His transubstantiated Form to hear our prayers in His Person.
Saints Patrick and Joseph knew this, we know this, and honestly, when we even just think about Christ's real presence with us, we enjoy His Peace, May God Bless us all, everyone. Amen.