The Rosary and the "Blue Army"
While President Biden has taken the lead in the war on the unborn, Vice-President, Kamala Harris is moving strongly with her own pro-abortion agenda. According to many news outlets, she has renewed her attacks on the unborn, going so far as calling abortion a “constitutional right”. As a lawyer, she should know that this is a false claim and basing abortion n the Constitution was weak. Additionally, the right to privacy, to which abortion was connected, is made to go against the right to life, which is in the Constitution, specifically. Essentially, for the Biden administration, the right to privacy is amore important than the right to life.
Vice President Kamala Harris, in Des Moines on Thursday, said Iowa is “on the front lines” of the fight over abortion access. Harris joined a roundtable discussion on reproductive rights with Democratic leaders, health care providers and community advocates at Grand View University in Des Moines.
It’s not just lawmakers taking action to strip Americans of abortion rights, Harris said. “There are attorney generals around the country — including here — who are attempting to tell pharmacies, ‘Do not dispense abortion medication in the state,'” Harris said. Republican Brenna Bird, Iowa’s newly elected attorney general, signed onto a letter with 19 other Republican AGs warning Walgreens it could face a multistate lawsuit if the pharmacy chain continues to sell abortion medication by mail. Harris said this letter and threat of lawsuit is an egregious example of government overreach, as abortion medication has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for more than two decades. The vice president has held 40 events nationwide on abortion access in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade in 2022. The Iowa event comes as a federal judge in Texas considers a lawsuit alleging the FDA improperly approved mifepristone, a drug used in most abortion medications, and calling for removing or limiting medication using the substance in U.S. markets.
“A group of elected politicians are expecting to use the court of law to implement a political agenda that would undo the veracity and significance of the medical decision by the FDA about a medication,” Harris said. “… There is so much about this issue that really does attack very fundamental issues and principles. And the fundamental issue at play in that court case is our public health system as a whole.”
If the Texas court does overrule the FDA’s determination, the Biden administration will do whatever they can to protect access to health care, Harris said. But she said this decision could have implications beyond the issue of abortion. The FDA approves medicine from chemotherapy to asthma medication to insulin. If the judge decides to overturn an FDA approval, Harris said, “imagine where that could lead.”
The Biden administration has been disgraceful in their pro-abortion agenda. They are dealing in fear by suggesting “our public health system” is at risk. We must ignore the way they play fast-and-loose with the truth and employ rhetorical tricks and fallacies. Let us pray for them, and if they resist that, vote them out.