Sometimes, there can be no middle ground.
It is far easier for us to deal with temptations when we simplify it. We have a weakness to temptations because of Original Sin and the Devil tempts us in order that we might go to Hell forever. He has a hate for you that is only lesser than his hate for God. He is tempting you because he hates you. He does not think it is better for you. He knows it is worse for you. He does this all in his hate for God, because God loves us so.
We recall that the Devil hates us and wants us to do evil, even if we try to rationalize our temptations from the Devil, they still remain evil. However, we have a God willing to die for us because of His love for us. He offers you eternal bliss if you choose to love Him. And it is a free choice. However, the choice come with lots of smaller choices. Giving into small temptations weakens us for larger temptations, which the Devil has done many times sadly and taken many to Hell because of it.
But we must not give into temptations, as small as they may seem to be at times. The Devil knows what he is doing. He desires your destruction and the destruction of those who depend upon you. Yet, we have God. God is infinitely greater than the Devil. The Devil was created good and turned himself into evil. You were created good by God, Who desires to love you for all eternity.
When we do seemingly little things like miss Mass on Sunday or use the Lord’s name in vain (“Jesus Christ” or “Oh My God”), we are doing exactly what the Devil wants. We are not showing love for God. We are showing disdain or, at best, indifference. If you did your best to sacrifice everything you had for someone, and they responded to your love with indifference, would you not feel completely rejected? And yet, that is how many treat God. Do you?
Jesus, You were faced with many temptations and sacrificed Yourself completely in order to show Your Unfathomable Love for us. Help us to respond to Your love with a love from within us that glorifies Your Father for all of eternity. Amen.