90 Day Warning (Election Day)
Sadly, we are seeing an alarming trend of communism and socialism on the rise in the west. Unacceptable. It appears that we haven’t taken heed of many of its opponents’ warnings of this dangerous ideology.
We have seen communism up close with the recent lockdowns, mask mandates at work, church, and even a snitch program from progressive mayors on George Soros's payroll enforcing these overreaching programs. Even worse, we have blindly elected public servants like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, our so-called “Catholic” POTUS, Gavin Newsom, and many other godless tyrants who think they can answer the problems when they are creating more.
It is even being practiced by the FBI when they want to put a target on the back of Latin Mass attendees, Mark Houck and other pro-lifers who are being brought up with bogus charges from a crooked Justice Department that turned a blind eye on the 300 churches and pregnancy centers attacked and vandalized by domestic terrorists since 2020.
Some of the most prominent figures of our church in the last century knew just how dangerous it was. Pope Leo XIII first issued Rerum Novarum (Of Revolutionary Change) in 1891, in which he asked clergy, and people of power to address labor and capital and the rights of workers while rejecting socialism and unregulated capitalism.
Pope Pius XI takes it a step further to warn of the dangerous implications of what Russia is practicing with communism. “Whether considered as a doctrine, or a historical fact, or a movement, Socialism, if it remains truly Socialism, even after it has yielded to truth and justice on the points which we have mentioned, cannot be reconciled with the teachings of the Catholic Church because its concept of society itself is utterly foreign to Christian truth." wrote Pope Pius XI. He continues, “Socialism, on the other hand, wholly ignoring and indifferent to this sublime end of both man and society, affirms that human association has been instituted for the sake of material advantage alone.”
Venerable Fulton Sheen once said that communism, “is a philosophy of life and as such is intolerant; like a religion, it claims to be the sole authority; it has its own catechism; it persecutes its heretics; it claims absolute validity in all spheres, even demanding unqualified allegiance of both the body and the soul. It makes progress not by a dictatorship of an individual, but by a dictatorship of a party and a principle. It grows only accidentally through the personal appeal of its leader, but principally by the acceptance of its ideas. The person is secondary; the ideology is primary. Just as in the biological order individuals are sacrificed for the good of the species, so, too, in Communism persons are sacrificed for the good of its philosophy. Everything is subject to it.”
Even St. John Paul the Great lived through communism when Russia invaded Poland during the Iron Curtain of the Cold War. It was through this dark period of his life that shaped him to be the scourge of this godless ideology. He knew that it would destroy the dignity of the human person into a mere object. “The fundamental error of socialism is anthropological in nature. Socialism considers the individual person simply as an element, a molecule within the social organism so that the good of the individual is completely subordinated to the functioning of the socio-economic mechanism.” He said.
The Catholic Church has consistently spoken against this dangerous ideology. It has been right when many others were steered wrong. The flaws of both communism and socialism surround us and are attacking us. Why? It is because we become too tolerant of this practice that is deemed good. Yet, it has devalued the human person and the way of life as we know it for the sake of control.
We must stand firm. We must not give it another inch. We must rally behind the church militant. We must become intolerant of godless morality.
Recommended Reading
Can A Catholic Be A Socialist? By Trent Horn
The Devil and Bella Dodd: One Woman's Struggle Against Communism and Her Redemption by Paul Kengor
A Pope and a President by Paul Kengor