Does God bless anyone when we ask Him?
When you think about it a human lifespan is about 70 to 90 years. A 100 years if you're really lucky. Let's measure this in terms we can understand. For example, walking on the sand beside a beach. Imagine that all you did in life is walk on the beach. From the moment you were born until now, and beyond, all you do is walk on the beach. Can you imagine for a moment how much have you walked? Miles and miles and miles. You've probably gone round the earth several times with all that walking. That's a lot of walks over a long period of time.
Let us now measure your lifespan against an eternity thereafter. Suddenly a 100 years seem such a minute fraction of a measure. Eternity just goes on for ever doesn't it? It never stops. But a hundred years is a short measure from when we're born and when we die.
But people don't seem to think of eternity, do they? They certainly don't measure things in eternity. They don't see the future as eternity. They see it as 70 to 100 years maximum. Many don't even believe in eternity.
Yet if you were to ask people if they will go to Heaven you'd be surprised how many believe they'll go there. Most people probably don't know why, or what Heaven looks like, and what they would do if they get there. Some might say they'll go to spend time, eternity, with God; and not wonder whether God wants to spend an eternity with them.
That perhaps explains why so many people are focussed on the here-and-now. They don't believe in the here-after. They consider this life is it and there's nothing more. So they focus on their well-being, and that of their loved ones now. They become materialistic. Self-centered. Selfish even. Get as much as you can get now because when it's gone, it's gone. You're long time dead!
Many don't believe there's such a thing as a soul, or a spiritual world, or Spirits. Some don't even believe there is a God. So spending eternity with Him becomes irrelevant in their minds.
Let's consider this.
A human body is made mostly of water, chemicals and minerals. None of these components by themselves, if put on a table, can drive a car, build a house, or procreate. Yet put together a human being can perform many things.
An amazing paradox, don't you think?
Is it so far-fetched to suggest that the body is just a covering? And deep within there is a spirit. An invisible spirit from an invisible world. Some may call it a soul. And that humans are in fact souls covered by a body for recognition purposes in this short period of time we call a lifespan. Eventually the body disintegrates and the soul carries on existing in the spiritual world or state of being.
And it is the soul that behaves as humans do. It learns, it acts, it cares, it loves or hates or does whatever a human being does in a lifetime. It is the soul that is the mechanism behind our actions and not a combination of water, chemicals and minerals.
It is the soul that will continue into eternity after its first 70 to 100 years.
Where it will continue to exist then, is up to you now.