The Born and Unborn
What's worse, abortion or slavery? This was a recent topic on a few webcasts I stumbled upon. One of these webcasts was by a priest, and I found the whole presentation quite disturbing. At first, disturbing, because I had no idea the state of our prison systems and the exploitation that occurs within the walls of these institutions. I had no idea there prisoners encountered forced labor, and was very surprised and grateful for the information. I do believe many of us understand their is a vast array of corruption in just about all of our societal institutions, including the Church, and so kudos for bringing this very dire and horrible practice into the light for all of us.
The part of the webcast that caught me off guard though, was the virtue signaling and chastisement of pro life advocates who are out there fighting the battle of abortion. To call our this group of warriors on the front lines of this battle and who all subscribe and rally for an end to abortion I found quite distressful and appalling, especially coming form a Catholic priest. I have been involved with this movement in very intimate ways, and I know in my heart that most pro-life advocates call for the observance and respect for all human life, from conception to natural death. And so, this type of virtue signaling and chastising is just really unnecessary and uncharitable, in my opinion. Of course, the abuse of prisoners in the justice system and the practice of forced labor is unjust, but so is the innocent killing of the unborn. And quite frankly, there is no comparison between these two evils, we are talking applies to oranges. Quite frankly, abuses such as the one addressed in this video by this Catholic priest, is not surprising in light of the fact that we as a society allow, promote, and then celebrate the act of killing innocent children. How in the world can we fight any other abuse or social injustice when the very pillar and bulwark of these injustices is flourishing and gloried.
It astonishes me to see anyone lamenting the occurrences of school shootings and other horrific crimes. How in the world can we have an expectation of a child being safe in a school, when that expectation doesn't even exist for a small, defenseless baby in his mother's womb? A mother's womb should be the most holy and safest place in the universe for a child. When we start perverting our natural instincts and God's plan, we will always end up with a mess. And the mess caused by abortion is father and more wide-spread than anyone realizes or wants to admit. Screw around with nature and you get disaster. What is more natural than a woman's defense and protection of her children, we have totally skewed our natural tendencies and inclinations.
I propose that the very origin and foundation of every social justice issue found in our society starts with this topic, and murderous action - ABORTION. When a society becomes so desensitized to the gruesome killing, and tearing of babies limb from limb from their mother's wombs, why would we expect a caring and altruistic effort toward any truly socially unjust activity. Social justice doesn't even exist if there is no life to justify it in the first place. The Declaration of Independence declares we all have the God given right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, the very first right and justice for every human being is life, every other right and justice flows from that. These are rights that are God-given, how can anyone dare to defy and deny them from anyone else? Human beings are created and alive at the moment of conception, infused with a physical body and eternal soul. How have we become so arrogant and prideful to deny this science and gospel truth. Why do we hate and despise God and His creation so much! And how have our spiritual leaders become so blind and backward to criticize pro-life efforts to promote personal agendas and causes.
Well, this is where we are, and it is truly sad and evil. Let's focus all our pro-life efforts on abortion, because if we can fix this issue, most of the other social justices in our society will adjust and fix themselves. This is a heart issue, we need to solve the problem by fixated on the disease, everything else is a symptom. Let's cure the disease, so all the symptoms are cleared and relieved. Then we can find that harmony we all desperately claim we want. It really is all up to us. God gives us these choices, of death or life, both temporal and eternal. My choice is life - forever.