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One of my favorite Lenten devotions is the Stations of the Cross. Every time I pray it, I always feel like I was warped back to 33 AD and walking with Jesus to Mt. Calvary.
I am launching a series reflecting on the stations. For part one, we will focus on the first two stations. The next will focus on the three times Jesus fell during the journey. The remaining parts of the series will be the remaining stations of the cross.
First Station: Jesus is Condemned to Death
Reflection: Many Christians can relate to Jesus just as he can relate to us. Despite the myriad of miracles that he performed and preparing the way for the Kingdom of God, he was condemned for not taking a life but for many false news and narratives that were spread about him. We too will be betrayed by others, even those we claimed that can be trusted or thought were on our side. Jesus was alone and abandoned. We will face this same trial on our faith journey.
Those who were in the courtyard played a role in choosing what was more convenient to them as opposed to their spiritual life.
Prayer: Jesus, just as you uttered no bitter insult and turned your cheek and offer the other after every inflicting buffet, teach me to bear wrongs patiently while the world rejects my faith. Show me how to quietly offer love to my enemies and those who wish ill towards me and you. Help me to choose greatness over the comforts of the world as I strive for sainthood. Amen
Second Station: Jesus Bores the Heavy Cross
Reflection: “If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me.” Luke 9:23
How often do we reject following Jesus? Do we seek too much pleasure? The pleasures of the world will only make our hearts restless unless we let them rest in Jesus. We were made to be bold. We were made to detach ourselves from this world and become more attached to the world that will come.
Prayer: Jesus, strengthen me to accept the heavy crosses in my life. Whether it’s physical, mental, spiritual, or social suffering, you bore it all through the three short years of ministry and most importantly when the heavy wood pulled you down.
Let the heavy cross of our lives give us the strength to walk with you. Amen