Catholic Origins of Popular Decorations
The Stations of the Cross shares that Jesus fell three times. He might have fallen more though it was not recorded.
Third Station: Jesus Fall for the First Time
Reflection: A popular song in the late 90s has a chorus that reads, “I get knocked down, but I get up again”. Jesus may have fallen because of the wood’s heavyweight. He was bruised by the soldiers, and jeered by spectators that lined the streets as he lay prostrate on the dirty road, yet, with all his strength that remains, he gets up and picked up his cross.
Prayer: Jesus, the heavy cross was heavy. Your yoke was light. The weight of sin may make me topple on my life journey. Help me to rely on your strength to continue my journey to follow you. Through your mercy, you give me the strength to get back on the right path to persevere with deep faith. Amen
Seventh Station: Jesus Falls for the Second Time
Reflection: Despite the help of Simon of Cyrene, the cross was too heavy, and Jesus has gotten weaker. The weight of our sins has made you fall. The soldiers hoping for a short task grow impatient and demand that you hurry up. Sometimes when we don’t stop and think we make hasty decisions that cause us to sin.
Prayer: Jesus, you have fallen again. Sin can knock us down. Through you, we are given the strength to stand back up and keep going. Help me to relish the strength to not be down for the count when confronting sin. Rather, muster the strength of our faith to persevere and to humbly walk in your righteous path. Amen.
Ninth Station: Jesus Falls for the Third Time
Reflection: Oh, the heavy weight of the cross has caused you to stumble. We continue to fall off the right path due to sin. In your Divine Mercy, you give us a chance to make things right when we strive to be like you in our words, deeds, and actions. Your mercy is endless, Lord.
Prayer: Jesus, help me to strive to seek your mercy in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Regardless of how many weeks or years it has been since my last confession. Help me to seek the mercy that will help me heal my wounds while being encouraged to soldier on with true faith. Amen.