Why are you waiting for greatness in others?
These last days of Lent are the highest days of our Catholic faith. These three days, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter, are treated as one continual Mass. They make up the Easter Triduum. On Holy Thursday, we begin with the sign of the Cross like all Masses. However, Good Friday and Easter do not begin as such. And of the three, only Easter has a conclusion, “Go forth the Mass is ended.”
Jesus’ life was one continual journey to the Cross. And these three days are the pinnacle. The first Mass on Holy Thursday with a final sacrifice on Calvary on Good Friday. But that is not the end. Then comes the Resurrection. The Cross has been conquered. Sin and death no longer have power over us.
Witness what Jesus did on Holy Thursday and recall that this was His last actions before going to the Cross. Witness how Jesus went willingly to the Cross to save us. And sit Mary on Saturday, not knowing what to make of this with Jesus in the Tomb. Then, rejoice on Sunday as you bring witness of His Resurrection to the world.
Thank you, Jesus. You are the Savior that we needed, but did not deserve. Amen.