Lay Your Healing Hands on Me
Every Holy Saturday I find myself waiting in silence for a period in the midst of preparing for Easter. Deep inside that silence I find in myself a distinct longing for resurrection.
Is the joy of Easter here yet? Is it yet the time for the blessed Easter Vigil that tugs at my heart each year and satiates my soul? Further, what resurrection will this Easter liturgical season bring to my life?
Don’t we all have that longing? There’s a piece of art that depicts it so well which hangs in my living room and it’s my favorite depiction of Easter. Mary Magdalene is reaching for the resurrected Jesus in the midst of dark surroundings. In her, is a longing to encounter the resurrected Christ in a physical, real way. Just like us. His light penetrates her body and face.
Don’t we desire the same? The light of Jesus to penetrate our being, wrap us in His love, and resurrect our brokenness?
Easter is as real today as it was then for Mary Magdalene. We all long for Christ to manifest Himself to us and we all long for some sort of resurrection that He brings forth in our lives - whether it’s resurrected, repented selves or resurrected aspects of our life that feel lifeless and in need of new life, energy, and vitality.
He will in His time. We sit in the silence, hope, and longing feelings of Holy Saturday until He does.