Desecration of our Remains is apparant
Families that still have religious artifacts
A number of years ago if you went into a home that had Catholics living there, you knew right away by the crucifix on the wall. Some members even had pictures of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and almost as many families had one of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It wasn’t odd to find other holy pictures or small statues of Mary, or some of the saints. One would say this was a family who was dedicated to the church by the many artifacts they displayed.
Most of that adherence to what we believe in now has given way to sports memorabilia or landscape pictures of our city in all its night-time scenes. I can say there are many who have used items such as these to fit into the decor of modern furnishings and do not need to explain why we still display religious artifacts like our parents or grandparents did on a regular basis.
Some years ago, while I was still actively working as an electrician, I was astonished when people just moved into a new home with piles of unopened boxes in the garage or basement. That was not astonishing, but the religious pictures that were piled in the corner, especially after the boxes had laid there for more than several months, told me that images of Jesus just didn’t fit the agenda of modern decorating.
It may not be a deep concern for many to push these artifacts into a corner, but what is concerning when people who once were just a little austere are now completely turned off by what used to be called Jesus freaks. O, sure, some of these families still attend Mass and make sure their children receive CCD instructions. So, if this is happening why are there so many disruptions of family life that look the part but are just nominal catholics?
Going back in time when catholic families prayed the rosary, together. Things were different, so we want to believe. What has occurred in our culture when good meaning parents look outside or pick up the newspaper and watch news reports at all the shootings, drugs killing young people, most of them barely out of puberty, and can do nothing?
Yes, the response to the query, things were different. Families rejected the evil that entered the world through sin. The same families took time to pray together, and guess what, they sat down to dinner together, and spoke about things that the culture is almost knocking at the family door to enter their peace and push the religious artifacts and what they stand for out of our lives.
Every time those who promote goodness and outstanding morals ask what has caused so much turmoil in our community, the nation, and the global shift of an evil existence in this 21st century? Sin! Nothing but sin!
For those who still believe in God and how he viewed man’s snubbing his gift of life, look at Genesis and follow the journey man was given to walk all the way to Calvary and the Ascension of Christ.
We are told that in eternity, as all humans who are saved will live with God. They will praise God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit in everlasting prayer and peace. “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.” (Rev 21: 1).
“The Spirit and the bride say, Come.” Let the hearer say, "Come.” “Let the one who thirsts come forward, and the one who wants it receive the gift of life-giving water.” (Rev.22: 17).
It isn’t the religious artifacts we have that will save us, but the very essence of what they remind us of that will. We must keep placing the likeness of God before us through prayer and evangelizing our own children to avoid sin through the sacraments of the Church. And the time is short. Let no one deter our need for the presence of God daily and as families share it with whomever we can.
Ralph B. Hathaway