The Holy Spirit Feels Welcome Where He Finds Reflections of Mary, His Spouse
There's something extremely poignant in the fact that The Broken Lord, comes to nourish us. The Eucharist is The Broken Bread that feeds our broken bodies. In the Sacrament of Holy Communion, The Body and Blood of Our Lord blends with our own, uniting us to Him in the depths of love. In this great Sacrament, what is broken turns whole. Jesus completes us, and we complete Him. Oh, the wonders of the Mystical Body of Christ, and the true Union with God that is found in The Eucharist.
Sin and death have entered the world causing broken bodies, and broken souls. To think that the Great God humbles Himself into becoming Broken Bread to nourish our broken spirits is a wondrous thing. God understands our littleness and our brokenness because He has become little and broken for our sake. He was beaten and battered for our sake. He died a shameful death on The Cross for our sake. He becomes broken bread for our sake. We don't have a God who is far away and unable to understand us. We have a God who comes down from Heaven to be our nourishment and to dwell within us. God loves us to the point of becoming our sustenance; how utterly gracious is He?
You tell Christ, "I am broken." Listen as He says, "I am too. Behold Me, The Broken Bread, that nourishes your broken spirit and body." Two broken halves make a whole. We are only whole and complete with Christ. Healing, is The Lord bringing us into Communion with Him, from brokenness into wholeness. The living power of The Resurrection dwells within us upon receiving Christ in The Eucharist. Restoration unto eternal glory is what Holy Communion is; a radical transformation of love. From shattered pieces to heavenly mosaics; from being lifeless to radiating the joy of The Lord. Holy Communion is the sweet sunshine of our lives.
The next time you receive The Eucharist, unite your brokenness to The Broken Lord and let Him love you into wholeness, into joy, into radiance. Thanks be to God for The Broken Bread that feeds our broken bodies. For we were not made to live in a broken world, but in a whole one. The Lord desires to lead us into an eternal world, where all is whole, and all is well. Maranatha. Come Lord Jesus, come.
"As two pieces of wax fuse together to make one, so he who receives the Holy Communion is so united with Christ, that Christ is in him and he is in Christ." - Saint Cyril of Alexandria