What Fr. Mike Got Right About Abortion
It may have felt like yesterday that the church welcomed new people into the one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic church during the Easter Vigil or those coming into full communion on Easter morning or Divine Mercy Sunday. Whatever the case, it is great to see new life being brought into the church.
For many of these new Catholics, it has been a long journey. It may seem like it is over. On the contrary, it is the beginning of the continuation of their goal in life, heaven.
Like those who are baptized as infants and go through faith formation from an early age, new converts have the same call as their devout brothers and sisters in Christ. We are called to be faithful witnesses to the gospel.
As you continue your journey, it will not be easy. With God accompanying you and those who help lead you home, everything is possible through him. Yes, you will be disowned, mocked, canceled, and even placed on the margins while the world will look down on us for his name. When Satan’s influence from those whom you called friends or family try to look down on you, always fix your gaze on what is higher than them.
As a devout Catholic, I have seen firsthand what an amazing gift you are to the church while others who were brought up in the faith seem to leave for petty excuses. You are on fire with the faith that the world can’t extinguish. You are eager to make an impact at your parish or even college campus. A great person inspired you to take this path. What is stopping you? Never let anything hold you back. As Pope Francis reminds us, “It is not possible to go backwards. We must go forward. Always forward.”
Do it. Do it all for Christ. Be willing to face the trials that await you. Face them with great courage, humility, and patience. The church needs faithful witnesses.
To those who have joined the only true church that was established by Christ, constantly throughout history have been attacked by Satan’s influence, has helped billions throughout the world through healthcare, homeless, and other avenues where people need help, welcome home. Your journey continues. There’s no going back.
Onward Christian Soldiers!