Agreeing on the Essence of God taught through the Incarnation of Jesus Christ
Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity
Truth stated, proclaimed, and exceedingly portrayed in the most prevalent manner that nowhere in the universe can be discounted or fractured in any manner. These are the essential realities of Jesus Christ now and forever.
Oh, too many ministers teach otherwise when it comes to the real presence of Christ in the Euchrist. When they take simple bread components and any type of grape drink the communion of his Passion they have portrayed such a false appearance of something so sacred that an existence of the I AM is just a textbook note without substance.
John’s Gospel is the most prominent scripture where Jesus does more than feed 5,000 + participants on a hillside, hungry for more than bread. Following the miracle of the loaves and fish, Jesus moves on with the Words of Eternal Life. The feeding of all these people opens the minds of those who received not only tangible food, but now the holy entity of the Holy Spirit through words that offer real life. The words of Jesus; “What if you were to see the Son of Man ascending to where he was before? It is the spirit who gives life, while the flesh is of no avail. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life. But there are some of you who don't believe it.” (Jn. 6: 62 -64), This discourse followed the request of the hearers, after having their fill of food, when they said, “Sir, give us this bread always.” Jesus answered, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst.” (Jn 6: 34 - 35).
So often the words from the Transubstantiation when the elements of bread and wine are now transformed into the Living Body and Blood of the crucified Christ. This becomes the very collapse of time when it is Jesus Christ who elevates the species as he is nailed to the cross and dies. Every time the priest elevates the Body and Blood during the consecration we are in the presence of that Good Friday spectacle. “The Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of God’s Son the Paschal Victim who has now released us from the bondage of sin and death is and always will be.
The Good Friday miracle is not 'passe’ it is a real and recurring event that never is in the past of time but a life-giving gift given us by God the Father, through Jesus his Son, and lifted from death through the Holy Spirit, three days hence.
There may be Catholics who receive this reality through holy communion without ever one moment of understanding regarding this very essence of the Holy Trinity. Yet, without the truth of what actually happened for us on Calvary, I am afraid that too many may never appreciate what the Paschal Mystery is all about. What could that mean for our souls?
Ralph B. Hathaway