"Idolatry" The Scourge that will destroy us!
Not what I do, but why I do!
It isn’t what I do that matters; it is why I do that will make a difference in life. Life in its complexity of so much that occurs around any of us can become a mixed bag of uncertainties. One day we are doing something that may include forethought and discover the decision was not the best idea. Another time we might end up performing an activity without any planning and find that it was a good move on our part.
An inventor works using a thought he was struggling with and eureka, the dilemma suddenly disappears opening the future of a new promotion into a project never thought possible. That is how progress in the world has always been filled with electricity, space exploration, heart problems solved, and wisdom coming alive within the minds of mankind.
Yes, even the entity of God’s Wisdom which has always been is now revealed to man. Not because of what he did, but with the ability to understand why he searched and discovered the essence of God’s presence within the soul of man.
If we only discern the mechanical and intellectual abilities of man’s endless effort of knowing everything in his universe we may fail to understand the why God has placed within the finite of humanity. It will take more than creating a new requisite for humanity answering what we can create; it will require the absolute reason we seek to be and not perform alone.
Each of us is endowed with giftedness that is familiar to our divinely placed abilities to perform many projects synonymous to the individuality of each one. We are expected to answer the needs of humanity in the manner we were given. However, when our attributes are used without the necessary reason we were given to understand the why, then there can be a confusion to our purpose in life.
“God blessed them, saying: Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all living things that move on the earth.” (Gn 1: 28). “God looked at everything he had made, and he found it very good.” (Gn 1: 31). God gave mankind a world to be lived in, and to assist him in creating the future using his own intuition and abilities to grow a world we all have inherited. That has not changed. The very essence of this plan was not just to do the what of our creating but the why we responded to God as well. God is using us to do and to share his command as to why. The world we live in is for you and me and that is the answer to the why.
Let us take a look at ourselves as each one is given the opportunity to become an answer to why God called us. We do, not for ourselves, but why the position that encompasses our doing is to continue growing God’s plan of the salvation of humanity through Christ, and using our gifts as well.
Ralph B. Hathaway