To Never Be Thirsty Again: Being Quenched With Living Water
Has anybody ever told you that you are worth the Resurrection?
We often hear that God thinks we are worth dying for; but do we realize that He also thinks we are worth living for?
Not only are you worth dying for, but you are worth living for. Your life has so much value that a lifetime of loving you isn’t long enough, Christ wants you to live eternally in the glorious light of the Resurrection.
Jesus said He came so that you may have life and have it in abundance. Christ has come to offer you life. Life in abundance, life eternal, life everlasting.
Anything less than the Resurrection is a disservice to the glory of who you were created to be.
There’s no place for mediocrity and halfheartedness in light of the Resurrection. Communion with God is wholeness, a wholehearted “yes.”
You’re either all in or all out. I don’t know about you, but I’m going all in.
I’m diving deeper into eternity, into the endless light of glory.
Give me The Resurrection, Lord,
I want it.
Open your hands, and let the pierced hands of The Savior, offer you the gift of The Resurrection.
You are worth The Resurrection. Why sell yourself short?