The Art of Advent
33 Days to Morning Glory by Fr. Michael E. Gaily, MIC (on Amazon and at Barnes & Noble) is a do-it-yourself retreat to prepare for your Marian Consecration. Why consecrate yourself to Mary? As I read the introduction to this book, it is the pathway for all of us to become saints.
Mary said yes to the Holy Spirit and in turn, when we say yes to her, we allow her the freedom to complete her work in us and form us into great saints.
I bought this book a couple of years ago and forgot about it until I saw a Facebook post about it. I figured it was time to dive in. I invited my Being Catholic … Really FB followers to join me. I will post in the evening (9 PM CDT) a brief reflection on the day’s reading so we can discuss it. I’m hoping as a community we can do this together and offer each other encouragement.
The 33 Days to Morning Glory starts on a Marian Feast Day and ends with the consecration. I'm planning on starting November 5 (Immaculate Conception) and will end December 8.
Won’t you join us?