160 Years of Gettysburg
This weekend in Boston, an event called SatanCon will happen. This is to be the largest gathering of attendees to worship Satan. The Archdiocese of Boston is making adoration available around the clock to combat it. Even a priest has released a statement to his parishioners about why the event is dangerous for one’s soul. They also lay out ways to combat the weekend of darkness.
The events include workshops that center around the different sins the church deems mortal sins. Some that jumped out were sins of the flesh (think killing, fornication, molestation, etc.), How did we come to this? It’s because we’ve abandoned God. For the duration of the weekend, it will center around abortion. Go figure.
The culture of death, with Satan as the prince of darkness, has clouded the minds of his followers. Sadly, many people have rejected God or have become their own God.
The good news is we can defeat this and stop Satan’s tide. The frequent receiving of the sacraments, praying of the rosary, visits to the Blessed Sacrament, and growing in virtue will help us grow in holiness and quash Satan’s attempts to possess and enslave us.
Ex-Satanist Turned Pro-Life Activist
Zachary King knew full well what goes on during these events. He even wrote a book about it that even shared how he left the diabolical cult and became a pro-life activist.
Fr. Frank Pavone lays out 10 ways we can combat Satan’s influence in our society.
Recommended Reading
Abortion is a Satanic Sacrifice- Zachary King
Deliverance Prayers- Fr. Chad Ripperger
Exorcism- The Battle Against Satan and His Demons- Father Vincent Lampert