Adoption/Abortion - A Traditional Catholic View
Mary, The Mother of God
Submitted by Thomas Stidl
How can a human being have a relationship with Mary, the Mother of God? Let us look at the relationship that Jesus had with his Mother. Mary is the Mother of Jesus who cared deeply for her Son’s welfare. After all, She accompanied her Son during Her Son’s passion and death. She also privately awaited Her Son’s resurrection. Mary was her Son’s handmaid or servant. That is one very heavy dual role.
Our relationship with Mary begins at the foot of the cross where Jesus gives to John, who represents all humanity, his most precious earthly possession, namely Mary his Mother. At that time, both Mary and John were the seeds of the Church with Mary only possessing the power of the Holy Spirit. I am sure that after his resurrection, Jesus visited his Mother. I also believe that Jesus revealed His ascension into heaven. This was also probably the time that Mary learned of her new role in the Church. After the Ascension, Mary was the guiding force to keep the disciples together and focused the Apostles on prayer requesting the promise of the Holy Spirit. I also think that after the Descent of the Holy Spirit, Mary kept close tabs on the Apostles.
Many years passed by. Mary desired to be with Her Son. After her dormition and burial, one of the apostles missed her funeral and wanted to gaze on Mary once more. Instead, the apostles found flowers where her body was placed. This is why Catholics believe that Mary was assumed to be in heaven, body and soul. The Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit crowned Mary the Queen of Heaven and Earth.
Mary’s work on Earth was not complete just yet. Down through the ages, there have been many apparitions or appearances of Mary on Earth. Guadeloupe, Lourdes, Fatima, Knock Ireland, Garabandal, and Medjougore are other places where both children and adults came into contact with Her. The theme for all these messages is prayer, repentance, and Holy Communion. We must all dedicate ourselves to Jesus and Mary through these acts. We must never be afraid to call on Mary in prayer for help in our daily lives. Since Good Friday long ago, Mary is also our Mom. I personally call her Mom. I am sure that Mary has a special place in her heart for her children whose earthly moms have entered into eternal life.
How do I know that Mary will assist all who call on Her? It is a true labor of love as the Mother of us all, and we all know that a mother’s work is never done. If Mary needs help to assist you, She will call on her Divine Son for you.
As I said in the beginning of this article, Mary is the handmaid or servant of God. Please dedicate yourself to Mary’s Immaculate Heart, and do not forget to wish Mary a Happy Mothers Day on that holiday.
Until next time, Laus Tibi, Christe. Deo Gratias. Gloria Tibi Domini. Praise be to God. See you in Paradise.