Winter’s Icy Grasp
Breath upon breath, our satin sails have billowed and filled.
Readied with Spirit’s indwelling, earnest mast steadied
for the onslaught of raging winds and a ferocious sea.
Yet, a Presence unseen navigates through stiff gales and swells.
Fear not – the way will be made known without fail.
Hold fast to courage, roused from slumber – its time has come.
A seeming endless torrent while in its restrictive bonds.
Then, unexpected silence, the air becomes eerie and still.
Dark foreboding sky parts and blue sky again reigns.
Strange happenings, somehow peace pierced terror.
In the midst of tumult, a calm descended into
the souls’ depths to quell and quiet relentless fear.
No tempest will pervade and eclipse an elemental truth –
Time and consequence last but a fleeting moment
when set against the endless, seamless eternity beyond.
Time will melt like icicles, drop by drop, to infinite bliss.
Copyright © J. L. Smyth August 16, 2022