The Mystery of God - Part 1
Angels, Our Spirit Friends
Submitted by Thomas Stidl
Yes, they exist. From our conception to our natural death, an angel is there to guide us on our way through life. He is known as your Guardian Angel. Do not ignore him. Pray to him at least once a day and more often especially when things occur that are out of your control.
Angels always behold the face of God the Father. They are glorious beings wit real intelligence and free will. They are immortal. They are the messengers between God and humans.
In the Jewish testament, angels stopped Adam and Eve from reentering the Garden of Eden after they had sinned, angels protected Lot, stopped Abraham from killing Isaac, led the Israelites through the desert, and Michael the Archangel is mentioned in the book of Daniel.
In the Christian testament angels announced both the birth of John the Baptist to his father while in the sanctuary, and the birth of Jesus to Mary at Nazareth. Angels proclaimed his birth to the shepherds at Bethlehem, roused Joseph to flee from Herod, protected the Holy Family on their flight to Egypt, roused Joseph in Egypt to return to Nazareth, told the three Wise Men to take a different route home to avoid Herod, strengthened Jesus in the desert after his temptations, and strengthened him again in the Garden of Gethsemane. They could have also saved Jesus from his crucifixion. After his resurrection, angels had communicated that Jesus had risen from the dead. This is a short summary and not a complete one of angelic intervention in human life.
There are different types of angels. Some are cherubim, seraphim, archangels, and guardian angels. Aside from blocking the entrance to the Garden of Eden, cherubim carry the Divine Throne. Seraphim are the attendants of God as he is seated on His Throne. Archangels are beings of light and love. We know from the Christian Testament that Gabriel represents communication to the human race. Michael’s role is to protect humanity from Satan and his minions. He is basically the commander of the Guardian Angels. When our guardian angels need assistance to protect humans, they call upon Michael for reinforcing help. Michael is also the chief protector of Israel and the Church. Raphael represents regaining health for the living on earth.
So as human beings we should ask for the protection from our guardian angel along with Michael the Archangel, be alert for messages from Gabriel, and ask Raphael to intercede for us on health matters.
Until next time, Laus Tibi, Christe. Deo Gratias. Gloria Tibi Domini. Praise be to God. See you in Paradise.