To whom or what is the Holy Mass geared for?
Whose Rights are Right?
When taking a stand on human rights it is suggested that one understands the very emphasis of the side you are taking. The constitution of the United States of America has set down strict regulations that qualify the very dictates of our freedoms. These guarantee specific freedoms that have been our rights for many years; over 200 in fact.
Until only a few years ago there was no question of utilizing our freedom to speak freely, vote freely, worship freely, and choose where our children would be schooled. Of course these have been challenged and our voted politicians are doing their best to subvert these rights, to make a mockery of our right to speak up.
If these are not bad enough, a relatively new adversarial movement has lifted its head, like a tyrannical beast awakening and spreading the tenets of its ugly evil. It is the transsomething, that is using trans as a prefix to any gender and eroding the God-given attributes we were born with. Naturally, in defense of all these newfounded genders, or sexual extremisms are being protected by Washington D. C. and the leaders of the far left, which includes our president.
There has become a change, according to these transgender people, a third gender. Men, women, and whomever you want to call yourself. The scenario has become so atrocious that people who know who they are, (men or women) are being attacked, bullied in the sports arenas, and too many being killed for their right to be what they biologically are.
Ok, let’s get to the source of creation. We believe that our Creator God is responsible for all of creation, including the human race. Let me qualify that statement. “God created man in his image; in the divine image he created him; male and female he created them.” (Gn 1: 27).
These unruly god-deniers (transpeople) are saying either God made a mistake by not adhering to the truth of gender identities, or he didn’t create human beings. In their eyes the species are only identified once they are born without a specific gender and need someone smarter than God to tell them who they are, or assist them to discover themselves through experimentation with their humanity.
Has the strength of this new idea become so fashionable that government congressmen and women are afraid to stand up and legislate control that will give strength to the Bill of Rights? What happened to the Christian doctrines that Washington always supported? Many say they believe in God and most are Christian. Where in the love of Jesus Christ is their tenacious influence that says no to this absurd mockery siding with Satanic influence? It’s time to stand together and put this gender manipulation that threatens our children with gender manipulation.
Some of these bullies are using this excuse to create for themselves an overpowering creativity to build themselves up as leaders of a new movement. This movement has the signs of socialistic prowess that will absolutely lead to Marxism and eventual Communism which no rule of law will be able to successfully confront and defeat. Remember what I just recently wrote that when the church loses its punch and faith becomes so weak, Satan will have reached his plan to destroy our justification with Almighty God. When this occurs, the end is not far away.
Ralph B. Hathaway