Why do past thoughts invade us while we pray?
What are the people in the pews hearing from their clergy?
This is a question that may be directed to anyone who spreads the truth, but is specific to my brother priests and deacons. I realize that because of being a tax-exempt institution we, the Church, must be careful not to promote anything that might create a political stance one way or another.
Unfortunately we live in a world that promotes an anti-God scenario where some believe that a spiritual attitude grows like a disease of some type that might become contagious. Just where that idea originated is anybody’s guess. The contagion of making speech a fearful entity that should only be used to spread the commonly accepted thoughts of society has dug itself in the minds of many people. This is a gross mistake and we need to examine the reality of its effect on all believers of freedom.
During the 1980’s a religious group affiliated with the Catholic Church wrote an article for a Sunday publication supporting the right of those who spoke for pro-choice to at least voice their opinion as their right to free speech. The main objection I took to this was the church should not make a statement that implies they agree with this. Abortion is not one area those who are pro-life advocates should appear as a pat on the back of pro-choice advocacy. This article made an assumption that the Church agreed with the pro-choice decisions. I delivered a homily that was directed to this published news item.
After the Mass ended and the people were leaving one man stopped and told me he didn’t like my homily regarding this article. When I asked why, he responded that he was pro-choice. Once I arrived back at my home, the pastor called with a sense of disbelief telling me, in all the years as a priest he never got this many phone calls that he was receiving and told me not to preach on this anymore. I said, “Frank, you have pro-choice advocates in your parish.” When he disagreed I related that gentleman’s response to me.
At another parish I spoke on the evils of abortion and this pastor told me a similar objection that I was rocking the boat. He continued with we don’t do that here. I responded yes we do.
There now is a situation, the issue I wrote about in my last article “Whose Rights are Right?” where the Woke generation or philosophy with no serious meaning is sweeping across the world creating a society that is removing the rights of good people and establishing something that is against God, freedoms, and indoctrinating school children to believe they are not what their biological parts indicate.
My reason for this article stands as a direct mandate to my brother priests and deacons to use their place and ability to speak out against all that is contrary to society’s reasoning and put these ant-God adversaries in their place. You do not need to identify by name to protect the tax-exempt status, but speak out nevertheless.
Ralph B. Hathaway