Wrested Wind and Waves
A vibrant full moon shines its light that appears like silver glints dancing on the sea. I hear the sound of waves crashing. It is a hot day in July, one of many here in Florida. Underneath the surf, what creatures swim, slither or crawl not far from the condo. The night sky causes me to think profound thoughts. Analytical and philosophical rumination are constant companions on my life’s journey.
What is different here I ask myself. More than a change of locale. It’s an internal movement. An evolution of sorts. Climbing a mountain to an unknown summit. Reaching out for the unknown that only reveals itself in due time. Not one moment sooner or later.
So, what does one do in the times of waiting? It’s a time to sow seeds into the ground. To nurture the seeds with the Son’s love and water it with the Holy Spirit with waters that ever flow. Plant the seeds of effort and have faith the seeds God has chosen to grow will bud and flourish in His perfect timing. All else is for naught. Life’s lessons have taught me I need to do my part and pray, and then the Lord will lead me to what He has next in store.
Though silence pervades, I realize I am being led to a new beginning. I am waiting to hear a still small voice. Yet, I may not hear it now. The Lord reveals Himself in various ways. It may be in ordinary life events, in His holy Word in the bible, in the spoken word of fellow Christians, or in a sign that mysteriously and completely relates to a prayer. It all comes down to a matter of faith. What is faith, but believing in a power that cannot be seen, who is our guide, protector and the very author of life. And faith is the compass that keeps us on the path He has chosen for each one of us.
Copyright © J. L. Smyth July 10, 2017