April 28-29-30 will have an event in Boston Mass. called SatanCon. Many Catholics and other religious people are gravely concerned about this event. To be honest, I don't know why...
The event is hosted by the now-notorious "Satanic Temple", which is, despite their disclaimers, a left-wing political activist group, and basically just atheists in Halloween costumes trolling Christians. To put anyone's mind at ease who may not be familiar with this group, there will be no baby sacrifices, blood drinking or any of the other cliche' horror movie stuff people imagine when they hear the word "Satanism". These people aren't even recognized as "Satanists" by ACTUAL Satanists!
The Arch-diocese of Boston has asked people not to go there and protest. No doubt many will anyway; but this action only draws attention to them, which is exactly what they want. They are literal attention hogs, and have been since the groups inception. All they want to do is get a rise out of Christians, and showing up to protest is giving them what they want. I guarantee they will feed off of this energy of hostility and opposition, and this is a prime example of the old saying "ignor it, and it will go away". Pray for them, sure, but otherwise their actions are essentially meaningless unless you make them meaningful by hostile opposition.
There are a variety of reasons for this, but mostly people turn to Satanism specifically to oppose Christianity in it's various forms, and their hostility will probably reflect the type of Christianity they feel has victimized them in some way. Many are raised in abusive homes with a strong religious upbringing. Many have been former Christians, Catholic and Protestant, that they have felt cheated by or in some way abused and manipulated. This goes to show that the true "Spirit of Antichrist" is not found in groups like the Satanic Temple, but in unworthy Christians who use religion as a tool of manipulation, abuse and control. This is the historical understanding of the spirit of Antichrist: those who claim to be followers of Christ but deny him by their deeds, and do the opposite of what He commanded.
There are a variety of types of Satanists, but they can be loosely catagorized as Theistic and Atheistic The Satanic Temple, or TST, is the atheistic variety. They do not believe in Satan as an actual Being, do not practice the Occult Arts, etc. Their "rituals" are mere melodrama, usually to make some left wing poltical point. The Theistic Satanists are what I would catagorize as "real" Satanists, not these joker atheists in Halloween costumes, who can't even gain the respect of the Church of Satan, another Atheistic Satanist group who long preceeded them.
The best way to find out about Satanism is to befreind Satanists. I know this may shock some of you, but it's the truth. You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. They're all over the internet and easily accessible, and many are the nicest people you're ever likely to meet. Reach across the isle, not with an eye towards proselytizing or conversion, but get to know them as people first. Find out who they are, what makes them tick. Shouting exorcistic prayers at them (in Latin, cuz "the devil hates latin" lol) isn't helpful. Such actions only show you're not trying to learn, nor tryinig even to help them. These are human beings; not "the enemy", not "demons in human form". People. Talk to them.