Opinion : Barbie Movie Review : Anti-Authentic Femininity Masqueraded With A Pink Bow
Time is an illusion, a fallen fruit of the fall. It is not wise to live to die, but live to live. It’s time to exit time and dwell within the realm of eternity. The Kingdom of God is within us, and we must enter into the depths of our souls, into our true selves to discover the throne room of God in our center, and allow Christ to be the King of our hearts.
When Christ is King of our hearts, we begin living for eternity and not living in the confines of finite earthly time. To center our gaze on Jesus is to gaze at eternity. The things of this world are all passing away and no longer suffice our weary souls.
“I thought of the soul as resembling a castle, formed of a single diamond or a very transparent crystal, and containing many rooms, just as in Heaven there are many mansions.”
- Saint Teresa of Avila
Contained within us is The Kingdom of The Living God. Following in the footsteps of The Lord, we are called to shed our earthly minds and ascend into the glory of an eternal mindset. We must “put on Christ” and become living tabernacles, where Heaven is contained within us and we exude the fragrance of God, the fragrance of Heaven.
Eternity begins today, not tomorrow. It’s time to exit time and dwell in the presence of The Lord in eternity.