25 years since St. Teresa of Calcutta's passing
The Surgeon General made a proclamation in May 2023 of an epidemic of loneliness in the United States. The 85-page report discusses the findings, and how the lack of social connection has affected people of all ages, and it is a public health crisis which should be taken seriously. Dr. Vivek Murthy, the Surgeon General, discusses the importance of relationships and offering support to one another as an integral way to combat the effects of loneliness in our culture. Part of our mission as Catholics is in loving and caring for the marginalized and those who do not have the love and support, they deserve. Below are ways we can make a difference for others to bring fellowship and care to those who need it most.
Recognizing the lonely
The first step in making outreach is to be on the look out for those who are lonely. Lonely and isolated people are all around us. Opening our eyes to them to offer friendship and kindness is job number one. Whether it is a neighbor, extended family member, co-worker, someone at church, or even our own immediate family, this national epidemic is affecting all of us.
Check, call, care
The American Red Cross uses the phrase “Check, Call, Care” when it comes to life-saving steps to assist when an emergency happens. The same idea can be used when it comes to the lonely in terms of how we may be able to be of help. “Check” refers to remembering to check on those who need our help or listening ear. “Call” referring to making a phone call or stopping by to see someone. “Care” is when we act by offering our time and our commitment to be a friend. This idea of checking, calling, and caring is a way we can give of ourselves in imitating Christ.
Befriending the friendless
We live in a society focused on popularity, pleasure, and power. There are those who will do anything to be in the “popular group” whether at school, work, the neighborhood, and even at church to the detriment of the lonely. As Catholics and as people of faith and of good will, this is incorrect thinking. Christ commands us to seek out the lonely, lost, and forsaken as part of our mission on earth. In befriending the friendless we are also making an impact on the epidemic of loneliness which is ravaging our culture at the present time.
Pray and seek God’s will in everything
Seek the Lord’s will in all that you do each day. Selfishness affects every one of us. God calls us to break free from selfishness and to give of ourselves to care for those in need. Pray for those who suffer due to the isolating affects of this epidemic of loneliness. Keep your eyes open to make new friends and contacts as to offer the face of Christ to everyone you encounter. Whether a family member, friend, or other, pray for ways to serve and befriend the lonely.
These tips are meant to bring hope and healing to our society during tough times. We are all called to mission. The mission is to love and care for the marginalized by offering sincere friendship and community to the lonely. There is no greater mission as a Catholic and in following Jesus Christ than of offering hope, healing, and love to the suffering of our world.