Always ready to pounce on another Church Leader with Condemnation
Into the bliss of heavenly grace we rise
Compare with two previous articles on grace
Grace is perhaps the most spoken, asked for, and the only essence of Almighty God. Without grace we cannot continue to absorb the gifts the Holy Spirit continues handing us. We must have grace to use the abilities we have been given to share with others through evangelization.
The word grace is the prominent byword many ministers, preachers, and writers must rely on to extend their thoughts through words spoken or written.
Often when something unexpected occurs bringing a good result from a disillusioning event, we can easily say, “that was grace.” If you want to see the good that God gives us, realize it is grace that he uses to lift us up and remove the clouds of fear.
There is one manner when God does take away this wonderful gift. It happens when after all the forgiveness he uses for his wayward creatures, and they will not ascend to these blessings, he simply removes his grace. Without it the essential mercy that protects our spirituality, the existence of grace is removed and nothing but failure in society crumbles.
Throughout history we see how many kingdoms fell apart, mostly because the leaders rejected God, his blessings, and without a doubt that essence called grace.
Adhere to his goodness and he will extend that grace upon us and those we have charge over. The many wars in Israel where kingdoms of the north always were fighting the southern kingdoms. Many years covered these battles, and by their rejection of God grace that once was prevalent now has been erased and the kingdoms that were chosen lost their entire blessings.
Is that what we shall look upon in our own nation? Our pioneers came across the Atlantic Ocean with hope of freedoms that have slowly slipped away. With and when the scenario we are living with, we shall see the erosion of God’s grace. Not because God looks to find ways to punish us, he simply pulls the grace away. Without grace, we are doomed to spiritual collapse. Bring God back into our spiritual lives and grace will appear again.
As in the two previous articles, this is not to promote what is already intact throughout the gifts
of God. It is rather a complete synopsis of what is needed in today’s world of disbelief, selfishness, and the corruption in our education system. It is the lack of understanding being taught to our young children that has corrupted the ability of children to learn morally directed truths.
One paragraph from “Grace, a gift received without cost,” “Grace is not just a sign of God’s undeniable generosity, it is a gift of turning pride into the most humbling action bringing peace and harmony between one-time adversaries to grace-filled advocates.” In other words, the grace we receive must become a path to reaching anyone who is in dire need of our love. This love can be seen from Matthew’s Gospel; “The Judgment of the Nations.” I have used this teaching as a book-end of Matthew’s Gospel. On this will we be judged, and with the grace of God we shall be placed with acceptance or rejection from eternal happiness. (Mt. 25: 31 - 46).
Ralph B. Hathaway