In the twilight of time we find the peace that can only come from God
Take a good look at how evil hides behind the purity of grace.
Whenever we sense that grace has become the center of any dilemma it becomes the optimum result of God’s intervention. As was noted in a previous article grace is not an inanimate entity with size and substance. However, the action, in a spiritual manner, is always recognizable by the Godly results that removes fear that otherwise is lost.
One thing we all must be aware of is when demonic activity is attempting to upset the faith
of a person in dire straits and one of us reaching for God to assist us, the demon will always step in with a pseudo presence. We have heard that Satan, or his demons, may appear as what is called an angel of light. Paul goes on to explain this phenomenon; “And what I do I will continue to do, in order to end this pretext of those who seek a pretext for being regarded as we are in the mission of which they boast. For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, who masquerade as apostles of Christ.” “And no wonder, for even Satan masquerades as an angel of light. So it is not strange that his ministers also masquerade as ministers of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.” (2 Cor. 11: 12 - 15).
It is essential to recognize these incident portrayers that pass themselves off as bringing God’s blessings. Anything that they promise will be better once they adhere to a false belief is not from God. An example would be a contradiction to what God is about by telling a hurting person that God doesn’t wish for this difficulty to leave. “You must be willing to suffer.” We teach that it is through suffering that God accepts this attribute, but it must be our own willingness to become saintly through this malady. God accepts our suffering as a willing disciple, but not to insist on it.
I just completed an article regarding how grace Is the ultimate connection of our God reaching into the needs of our lives and those we seek to lift up from disparaging belittling. We can be assured that an evil entity will also be around to twist the goodness of the Spirit’s assistance making our belief one with doubt.
We are aware that Satan or his demons will never confront us as a Halloween character which would steer us away. The appearance will most definitely be attractive and subdue our conscience into following this person or their way of thinking. This becomes the evil incarnate that promises everything good from their perspective, and is intent on removing our dedication to adhere to God’s grace. His desire is to gain popularity that will gain an army of believers in God to His Satanic ways
Perhaps the most derated entity that we all must become aware of is evil and its apostles. They are always on the prowl to join the goodness of Christians and then turn the results from the Spirit to a shipwreck on the ocean of life. This puts it mildly, and the end can be a disaster for those doing the Lord’s bidding without viewing the very direction we are headed.
Signs of anti-faith are to be found everywhere and unless we are trained to realize the Satanic influences set before us we are in for a bumpy ride. Then how do we know when it is Satan or his apostles that are standing before us? Any adherence towards a contradiction to God and the words that disrupt the Truth, that is the answer. We are vulnerable to evil beliefs by the very adversaries to God and we must hold on to the Truth with every ounce of trust in God. Remember what Jesus said to his disciples, “Then Jesus said to his disciples, after the rich man turned away to his teaching, Amen, I say to you it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God” When the disciples heard this they asked; “Who then can be saved?” Jesus looked at them and said, “For human beings this is impossible, but for God all things are possible.” (Mt. 19: 23 - 26). This is where we must rely on the Lord for all our needs especially when discerning our direction when we may be confronted by evil experiences, even if we do not recognize them.
Ralph B. Hathaway